Susana Giménez’s health due to her coronavirus picture: ‘She remains stable and is in good spirits’

Susana Giménez remains “stable and in good spirits,” according to her relatives this Sunday. The driver is admitted to the Cantegril Sanatorium in Punta del Este for complications derived from the coronavirus she suffers.

“The results of the studies they all gave normal; follow with coughThat is why they are still giving him oxygen for a mask “, reported Giménez’s environment.

This evolution in her painting removes for the moment the media versions that indicated that the entertainer could be exterminated in the next few hours and continue the treatment in her farm “La Mary”, in San Ignacio.

The 77-year-old Argentine driver, who has already applied the two doses of the Pfizer vaccine at the Maldonado Campus, contracted covid-19 in Uruguay, the country where she has resided since May 2020, and had presented symptoms since last weekend.

The virus reached Susana’s family environment, since her daughter Mercedes Sarrabayrouse was also swabbed and tested positive.

After developing a “mild respiratory failure” -According to the account made yesterday by one of the treating professionals to the media gathered in front of the medical center- Giménez was admitted on Thursday night.

Although she was never in the intensive care area, per protocol she was isolated in a VIP area of ​​Cantegril and treated with medications and oxygen.

With information from Télam


