The “map” question annoys 12 students in the “Social Studies” exam

Students in the twelfth grade reported that they were surprised by the difficulty of the question about the map in the social studies exam yesterday, stressing that it was not direct and needed more time to think.
The students, Abdul Rahman Khaled, Sami Mahmoud, Muhammad Shaaban and Hoda Zain Al-Din, in the “general” and “advanced” tracks, confirmed that they took the social studies exam, in a comfortable atmosphere inside the exam committees in Dubai, noting that the morning reviews helped them to overcome the questions that were asked. You need higher thinking skills, which came from the maps that were given in yesterday’s exam.

They stated that the exam paper included 20 questions, divided into four parts, noting that the map question was contrary to their expectations, as it addressed higher-order thinking skills only, and required a long time to think about the answer.
They indicated that they get an hour in the morning in their schools to review before the start of the exam period, stressing that this period activates their memory better, and helps them prepare well to answer the questions.
On the other hand, a school principal, who preferred not to be named, said that the questions of the social studies exam were distinguished by the diversity of its questions, to match the achievement levels of students, and took into account the individual differences between them, noting that he did not receive any complaint or note from students about the exam questions, nor did it happen Any technical failure during the answer period.

He added that the exam aimed to measure several skills of students, and with regard to the question related to the “map”, the aim was to focus on thinking skills that need accurate observation and linking concepts, in addition to map reading skills in general, and therefore some students saw it as a question Difficult, because they are accustomed to the method of memorizing the content of the lessons and topics.
He pointed out that the role of schools is focused on developing students’ thinking skills, because this is the first goal of developing education plans and strategies within the country.

He stated that the Ministry of Education considers, in the developed social studies curricula, to focus on the role of the learner in developing his abilities to think, innovate and be creative, in addition to promoting positive behaviors related to savings, investment, planning and establishing projects, and identifying different models of local, regional and global market structures.

