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US Supreme Court Refuses To Evaluate Bathroom Use By Trans in Schools

| Photo: BigStock

The Supreme Court of the United States refused on Monday (28) to assess whether trans students should use the bathroom of the gender with which they identify in schools. The action represents a victory for young Gavin Grimm against the Virginia state school board, which prevented him from using the boys’ bathroom.

Grimm, 21, was born a girl, but legally changed her name and started hormone treatment while still in high school. In 2014, Gloucester County, Virginia, issued an order requiring all students in its schools to use the bathroom of their gender at birth, but a federal appeals court found that Grimm was discriminated against and failed to respect his constitutional right to protection by law.

The county school authority later appealed to the Supreme Court to determine whether it had discriminated by forcing transgender students like Grimm or transgender people to use the toilet of the gender they do not identify with.

His case was returned to the lower courts in 2017, after then-President Donald Trump terminated the Education Department guidelines of his predecessor’s government, Barack Obama, which advocated the right of students to use toilets of the kind with which they identify and not the one they were born with.

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