After filing a habeas corpus, the opposition met by Zoom with those stranded abroad: ‘This new stocks is a grievance’

After having presented a habeas corpus against the government measure that restricts the entry into the country of many Argentines who had tickets to return from abroad, the opposition deputies met this Friday with a group of stranded to learn about the situation of many from them.

“This new stocks It is an offense to the freedom of the Argentines because no government should violate rights to defend other rights “, questioned the president of the PRO’s block of deputies, Cristian, Cristina Ritondo.

And he added: “In this case, the government shows unable to take effective sanitary measures and blames third parties of their own inefficiency. “

The judicial appeal presented by the opposition was for the benefit of a citizen, Fernando Maria Solanet Tornquist, who is in Paraguay, but adds that it is for the benefit of “all Argentine citizens who are stranded and unable to return to Argentina”.

The legal document bears the signatures of Waldo Wolff, Luis Petri, Fernando Iglesias, Alvaro De Lamadrid, Cristian Ritondo and Pablo Torello, all from the JxC block. And in a statement they were very critical.

The deputies assured the Argentines with whom they held the virtual meeting that they will do everything possible “with the Constitution on the table, to correct this aberration caused by an insensitive government that does not take charge of anything.”

Currently there are only 600 Argentines who can enter the country per day and, according to official figures, between May 28 and June 28, 44,242 left Argentina.

Miami is one of the cities where there are more Argentines waiting to return to the country. Shortly after the official bulletin with the DNU was published, which reflected the reduction of the entry quota to the country from 2000 to 600 per day, flight cancellations were repeated and the anger of Argentines who had to stay abroad was on the rise.

As rebuilt ClarionAmong the 107,000 travelers in the last four months, the most chosen destination was the United States, which received 28,744 travelers with an Argentine passport, and Spain, where 27,498 people arrived from the Ezeiza airport. These figures indicate that Uruguay (5,953), Chile (5,469), France (5,041), Panama (4,701), Holland (4,530), Paraguay (4,184), Brazil (3,408) and Colombia (3,392) are the countries that complete the top 10 of the countries chosen by Argentines when traveling.

