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Chile has its first weekend without quarantine since March and reopens borders

A nurse prepares a dose of Covid-19 vaccine at a vaccination center in Santiago, Chile.| Photo: Alberto Valdés/Agência EFE/Gazeta do Povo

Santiago de Chile began on Saturday the first weekend without a quarantine regime since March, thanks to a drastic drop in the number of Covid-19 cases, which led to a relaxation of measures to combat the disease. After three months of a serious second wave of contagion, the disease pandemic has been receding in the country, which totals 1.6 million cases and 34,958 deaths. In the last 24 hours there were 1,407 positive cases and 83 victims. Today’s balance still indicates a reduction in the number of patients admitted to ICUs in Chilean hospitals. This Saturday, there are 1,776, the lowest number since March this year.

With this, dozens of municipalities gave up total confinement in recent days, allowing the reopening of cinemas, theaters, sports centers and bar interiors. Restaurants were able to open their doors after months closed. The improvement comes as vaccination continues to advance in the country, with 85% of the target audience having already received one dose, and 78% both needed for immunization, mostly with Coronavac; Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Cansino are also being used. The borders of Chile will be reopened this Monday, after four months closed, but will only be allowed the exit or entry of people who have already completed the vaccination cycle against Covid-19.

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