Finding your place in football

Yesterday both forwards had a certain lineup of promising youngsters, but Dolberg he is already 23 years old and Schick two more. In the summer of 2017, anyone could see in them two of the great forwards of the future. The 19-year-old Danish man had just experienced his debut season – and an explosion – with him Ajax, reaching the end of the Europa League and scoring 23 goals. For his part, the Czech had made himself known at the A series and won a signing for the Rome what did it mean for the Sampdoria enter 42 million.

After not giving what was promised when all the lights were on them, they have been for several seasons well below the step in the elite that they were assumed to be. However, the Eurocup their faces have changed. Dolberg started as a substitute, he exhibited himself in front of Welsh and yesterday he contributed to the scoreboard of a match that is already the history of his team. Schick, after signing one of the highlights most spectacular of the edition with his goal against Scotland On the first day, he leaves being one of the top scorers of the tournament, in addition, equaling the record of Milan baros in 2004 as Czech with the most goals in a final phase. Like so many others, with their selection they show they have shown their best version and have found an ideal ecosystem to perform.

Finding your place in football is as important or more as your own talent. A coach, a league or some teammates can make your career reach the top or stay in ‘what could be’. This month can change your life. Especially Dolberg, who has flown to shine in a European showcase after several seasons with very discreet numbers in the Nice. Neither of them are children anymore, but they have the examples of Memphis or from Salah as players who, after taking a step back, have once again found their place in the most absolute elite.
