France reports slight increase in covid-19 cases and worries government

The number of people hospitalized for covid-19 in France, which has been declining almost continuously for weeks, went up very slightly today, which could point to a change a trend that worries the government of the European country, which fears an epidemic rebound in a few days.

The Executive reported that today there were 7,913 people hospitalized, which means one more than yesterday, although eIn any case, for the second consecutive day it remained below the 8,000 threshold, something that had not happened since the first days of October last year.

Something similar happened in the intensive care units (ICU), since the number of people treated there increased by two people, to 1,110.

In addition, nine deaths were reported in 24 hours, up from 17 on Saturday, 24 on Friday and 29 on Thursday. Since this statistic began in March 2020, 111,116 people have officially died of COVID in France.

With regard to new infections, this Sunday there were 2,549 people in that condition, being less than 3 thousand 006 on Saturday, but keep in mind that fewer tests are done on weekends. In addition, yesterday with 3 thousand 6 people there had been a significant increase after the 2,683 positives on Friday and the 2,664 on Thursday.

The French Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, noted today that the epidemic incidence has stopped falling for five days and is even rebounding, which makes him fear that, in view of what has happened in the United Kingdom, a new epidemic wave to France “since the end of July”.

With regard to vaccination, in France they have received at least one dose 35 million 549 thousand 222 people, which means 51.2 percent of the population. 24 million 426 thousand 131 have completed the immunization protocol, that is, 36.2 percent.


