Inegi: Income from social programs grew 50% in 2021

Income from government programs in Mexican families grew 50.4 percent amid the covid-19 pandemic, according to figures from the National Household Income and Expenditure Survey (ENIGH) 2020 conducted by the National Institute of Statistics. and Geography (Inegi).

The institute points out that families received 1,166 pesos per quarter on average during the year last year, while in the last report of 2018 this figure was 775 pesos.

The increases in social support and pensions managed to contain some effects of unemployment and the fall in the property market, such as offices and houses, which was experienced during much of last year’s commercial closure.

The figures show that income from transfers had a general increase of 8.3 percent, driven mainly by government aid that grew 50.4 percent and pension income that rose 15.1 percent.

The other sources of income from transfers saw a decrease compared to 2018. Transfers in kind from institutions fell 22.5 percent, donations fell 6.6 percent, transfers in kind from other households fell from three to four percent, and scholarships and income from abroad also decreased 2.3 and 1.4 percent, respectively.

Since the arrival of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, more than 15.4 million older adults have been integrated into the universal pension, at least 14.9 million students of the basic and upper secondary levels receive bimonthly aid and, in addition, 1.9 million people are enrolled in the Youth Building the Future program.

Precisely these two groups of the population, those under 18 and those over 60, saw an increase in their general economic perceptions in 2020. According to the ENIGH, Mexicans over 60 years of age spent 17,878 pesos per quarter to 18 thousand 536 pesos in the same period.

With regard to minors, the survey indicates a slight increase in their economic capabilities as they have a budget of 5 thousand 93 pesos per quarter, this represents an increase of 22 pesos compared to 2018.

The other age groups, those that mainly make up the country’s labor force and do not apply to receive social assistance from the federal government, showed a decrease in their economic perceptions. People between the ages of 20 and 29 averaged income of 19,675 pesos, a lower figure of 1,933 pesos compared to 2018.

The group of people between 30 and 39 years old had income of 23,419 pesos, which represents 1,519 pesos less than two years before. From 40 to 49 years the income was 25 thousand 719 pesos, which represents a fall of 894 pesos.

The greatest loss of purchasing power was observed in people aged 50 to 59 years, as they suffered the effects of unemployment to a greater extent. In this sector, revenues were 24,513 pesos per quarter, which means a decrease of 2,919 pesos compared to 2018.



