Large-scale police operation after shots in Berlin – several injured

  • OfVeronika Silberg

    shut down

The police and fire brigade moved out on a large scale in Berlin-Wedding on Friday afternoon. Apparently several shots were fired. Details are still unclear.

Berlin – Several people were injured on Friday afternoon in Berlin-Wedding by gunshots in a hardware store parking lot. The police and fire brigade went on a large-scale operation. The operation is still ongoing, said the Berlin police at the request of the dpa. Details about the background are not yet known.

According to the fire department, there were four injured, three men and one woman. They were medically treated on site and then taken to the hospital, according to a fire department spokesman.

Shots at the hardware store parking lot in Berlin: the criminal police cordon off the crime scene

According to a dpa reporter, the crime scene is still cordoned off. The police questioned a number of eyewitnesses about their observations. There are still numerous police forces at the scene, including patrol and criminal police. (vs / dpa)
