Summer Vacation. They invite tourists to visit Tamaulipas beaches

Jesus Alberto Garcia

Tampico / 03.07.2021 13:25:44

The Ministry of Tourism launched the invitation to potential visitors to visit the beach destinations of Tamaulipas, in which, the red traffic light prevails.

“This weekend, we invite you to enjoy the beach and nature destinations that Tamaulipas offers you”, it is detailed on the official website of the entity’s Secretary of Tourism.

“Remember that during your visit, you must comply with the health and biosafety protocols that are indicated to you”, they add in the publication made just this Saturday.

This agency in charge of Fernando Olivera Rocha, says that “before going to the beaches, download the Buy Tam application for free and make your reservation at no cost.”

Officiallye summer vacations in the state and throughout the country begin next Friday, July 9, which means that from the following week the visitors will begin to arrive.

In the case of the Tampico-Miramar destination, which is the most visited of all Tamaulipas during the holiday periods, visitors have already begun to arrive during the weekends two months ago.

However, in the municipalities of Tampico, Ciudad Madero and Altamira are in an epidemiological red light which represents a greater risk of contagion.


