The Russian was outraged by the decision of the owners of one of the beaches in Sochi to save drowning people for money and recorded a video about this. His video was published Telegram-channel “Typical Krasnodar”.
In the footage, a man turns to network users – first he shows a sign in front of a paid beach and is outraged by high prices.
“Sochi continues to amaze. Private beach for seven thousand rubles a day “, – the tourist comments.
After that, the traveler drew attention to the services provided by the beach – among them there is a “rescue on the water” costing 800 rubles.
The video aroused the indignation of netizens. “They have no right under the law,” “And if they didn’t save it, then a double fine for a false call”, “This is the impudence that we allow,” “There should be no paid beaches,” they wrote.
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