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Wildfires The long-needed water rained on the Kalajoki wildfire area on Friday, but the benefits of the rains remained small – “It is optimistic to say that this has been extinguished in a week”

About a hundred people are currently actively extinguishing the fire. Auxiliary forces have been mapped until next week’s Friday.

Kalajoki the extinguishing of wildfires will continue on Friday fifth day. The situation is stable and the fire containment lines have been maintained, says the rescue director of the River Valleys Rescue Department Jarmo Haapanen on Friday afternoon.

The wildfires cover an area of ​​about 300 hectares. Friday’s rains provided some help with the extinguishing work, but their benefits remained meager. In the evening, the sun was already shining in the area, Haapanen says.

“The fire has bitten into rock cavities and peat-based ground, and there may be fires at tens of centimeters. It needs to be treated in the dark with a shovel and a fire shower. ”

Also Meteorological the plant predicted rain showers for the fire area, but the rain area faded as it moved north. The Finnish Meteorological Institute said on Twitter that still at the height of Kokkola it rained 20 millimeters of water, but only about ten millimeters of rain accumulated in the fire area.

According to Haapanen, there are “damn field-like stones” in places in the fire area beneath the surface layers of the earth.

“Those who put out the fire said that when the fire was put out, the rock below the surface is in places so hot that it is like throwing water on the stove,” Haapanen says.

“This means that that small amount of water coming from the sky will evaporate really quickly unless we get rains here that will water the soil thoroughly.”

Friday’s rains delighted fire extinguishers in the Kalajoki wildfire area. However, the benefits of the rain were meager, says Jarmo Haapanen, the rescue director of Jokilaakso.

Present has been a graph of HS Kalle Koponen says that on Friday morning the fire area was clearly calmer than on Thursday.

“In the morning, the fire area was swept by a short but rather severe deaf man. It was followed by a couple of hours of oozing, which stopped by the early afternoon, ”says Koponen

“Rescuers were happy with the rain, even though the forest continued to smoke.”

Tuija Puumala from Veteli VPK fried eggs for hungry fire extinguishers on Thursday night.

Actively the fire is currently extinguished by about a hundred people. According to Rescue Director Haapanen, firefighters have now been given a more humane work cycle. In more critical moments, even more than 24-hour shifts were taken in the area with a few hours of rest.

“Now the target farm is 12 hours in the woods and 12 hours resting. One hundred are at work and one hundred are resting, ”says Haapanen.

Read more: “I think that at least the next week will be extinguished, no matter what kind of rain comes” – Kalajoki wildfires employ rescuers all over Finland

Haapanen’s own dreams have been at least an hour and a half a night during the past week.

“I have the advantage of not having to strain the body physically in this situation,” he notes.

The fire is extinguished by rescuers from several different rescue services. Haapanen says that a request for official assistance and an inquiry about the resources available next week have been sent to all other Finnish rescue services on Friday. Labor aid will be surveyed in the area until next Friday, but the shutdown work will probably take even longer.

“The soil is such that it is optimistic to say that this has been extinguished in a week,” Haapanen says.

Fire the cause of the ignition is not known, and according to Haapanen it has not yet been actually investigated. However, the ignition range is “reasonably well” clear.

“The cause of forest fires is often either lightning or human activity. But I’m not going to speculate on the details of what human activity it might have been. The time for details is later. ”

Soldiers from the Kainuu Brigade waited with their tracked vehicles at the edge of the forest for information on which direction the hose would be needed.

There are only a few women in the ranks of firefighters, but there are more than a dozen of them at Sääksärvi VPK, Heli Koskinen, who arrived from Pirkanmaa for firefighting work, said.


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