In Ukraine, they wanted to change the name of the country

The press secretary of the Kiev delegation in the contact group on Donbass and the adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Oleksiy Arestovich suggested changing the name of Ukraine to “Rus-Ukraine”. He spoke about the desire to change the name of the country in an interview with journalist Roman Tsimbalyuk, published on his Youtube-channel.

Zelensky’s adviser said that Ukraine is Russia, while Russia, according to him, can at a stretch claim this legacy.

“We need to take away the brand of“ Russians ”from them in the end. I am fighting to ensure that we call the war correctly – the Russian-Russian war. Now there is a Russian-Russian war, so to really troll. Russia is us … Rus, Rusyns … I would change the name of the states, I would call us Rus-Ukraine, I would make a double name. We are working on it. This would close the topic in the end, ”Arestovich said.

Earlier on August 31, Arestovich called a possible break in trade relations with Russia unprofitable for Ukraine. He drew attention to the fact that Russia is the fifth largest trade partner of Ukraine. “The world is structured in a complex way. Even if we close all this now, introduce martial law and so on, the question must always arise in politics and in life: “Well, let’s do what? What are the consequences?”
