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Uni | Jenni Pulska is congenitally bad to sleep, but for the last three years she has woken up at rest – Now she tells the rules that made it difficult to sleep

Jenni Pulska suffered from such severe sleep difficulties when she was younger that sometimes sleep could only accumulate for a couple of hours a night. Since then, he has learned to sleep better.

Jenni Pulska considers herself congenitally ill, but she has learned to sleep well. According to experts, favorable sleep gifts are partly explained by genetic inheritance and childhood conditions, but everyone can learn to sleep better.

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Kaisa Hahto HS

15:00 | Updated 21:24

Head feel rested. Not nervous about little things. There is a more humane version of itself. Can move more, eat healthier and be more present.

All 30 years old Jenni Pulska feels he gets when he sleeps well.

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