Brazil ranks 7th in the World Bank’s digital government ranking

Brazil was in 7th place in the ranking of world Bank which assesses the maturity of digital government and the current state of the digital transformation of public service in 198 world economies. Here is the full text of GovTech Maturity Index, in English (10 MB).

Brazil was ahead of all other countries in the Americas, including the United States and Canada. Ahead of Brazil, are only South Korea, Estonia, France, Denmark, Austria and the United Kingdom.

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Furthermore, Brazil is the only country among the top 10 that has more than 100 million inhabitants.

According to the government, the result is due to the advancement of the platform, which today has more than 115 million users. In early 2019, accesses were made by about 1.8 million people. The platform allows access to various digital services and facilitates obtaining information and the citizen’s relationship with the government.

The World Bank’s GovTech Index rated 198 global economies on 4 aspects: support for key government systems; improvement of service provision; integration of citizen engagement; and encouraging the digital skills of people in the public sector, the appropriate legal and regulatory regime, training and innovation.

Brazil stood out in digital solutions with massive impact, such as emergency aid, Meu INSS, unemployment insurance and unemployment insurance for domestic workers, digital work and traffic cards and the PIX.

*With information from Brazil Agency and Ministry of Economy
