Brazil registers 676 covid deaths in 24 hours; moving average is 544

O Ministry of Health confirmed 676 new deaths by covid-19 this Wednesday (29.Sep.2021). The total rose to 596,122.

According to the agency, Brazil also registered 17,756 cases of the disease in 24 hours. Since the start of the pandemic, 21,399,546 people have been infected.

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The daily records of deaths do not refer to the dates of deaths, but to the day they were reported to the Ministry of Health. On weekends and holidays, the number of records drops because there are fewer employees in the agencies to report the data, and not because there are fewer deaths.

Here is the bulletin for this 4th:


To explain the pandemic situation, the power360 uses the 7-day average as the metric. The indicator shows that the average of deaths from the disease in Brazil is in 544 per day. It is above 500 for the 16th day in a row, after being below the threshold for 6 days. With a variation of -9% compared to two weeks ago, it shows a trend of stability for the 4th consecutive day.

When the variation of the curve in relation to two weeks before is equal to or greater than 15%, it is considered that there is an increase. Likewise, it is considered that the curve presents a decrease when the variation in relation to two weeks before is equal to or less than -15%. There is stability when the variation is between 15% and -15%.

The moving average of cases indicates 16,568 records per day and shows a trend towards stability.


Brazil has 2,795 deaths per million inhabitants. The worst situations are in Mato Grosso, Rio de Janeiro, Rondônia, Mato Grosso do Sul, Federal District, Paraná, Goiás, Amazonas, São Paulo, Roraima, Espírito Santo and Rio Grande do Sul, with more than 3,000 deaths per million.

The rates consider the number of deaths confirmed by the Ministry of Health and the population estimate by the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) for the year 2021 in each unit of the Federation.

Brazil occupies the 8th position of the ranking of proportional deaths. In late August, it was overtaken by the Bulgaria. Data are from the Ministry of Health, while information from other countries is from the panel Worldometer.

The list is led by Peru, with 5,943 deaths per million. At the end of May, the country revised the dice and climbed to the top of the ranking, a position formerly occupied by Hungary.
