2022, what to expect about Emergency Aid, Brazil, FGTS and INSS

2022, what to expect about Emergency Aid, Brazil, FGTS and INSS
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The federal government intends to serve 17.9 million families in the Auxílio Brasil program in 2022 (Credit: Pixabay)

Social programs were widely discussed throughout 2021. The end of Emergency Aid and Bolsa Família, the beginning of Auxílio Brasil and the approval of the Constitutional Amendment Proposal (PEC) of the Precatório resulted in months of decisions with changes in the coverage of the programs and in benefit values.

The forecast increase in the minimum wage from R$ 1,100 to R$ 1,210 will adjust the values ​​of the Employment Compensation Fund (FGTS), pensions and benefits of the National Social Security Institute (INSS).

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See the expectations for social programs and labor and social security benefits in 2022:

Brazil Aid

The federal government intends to serve 17.9 million families in the program in 2022. The approval of the PEC dos Precatórios opened up fiscal space of around R$108.4 billion in the Union Budget for 2022, allowing the government to reach R$54 billion required for monthly payments of up to R$400 for Auxílio Brasil and other assistance programs for income transfer.

Auxílio Brasil will be permanent and will no longer end in December 2022 as the government planned.

See the Brazil Aid calendar in 2022



Beneficiaries of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) begin to receive readjustment payments on January 25, 2022. Retirees, pensioners and those who receive assistance in the amount of the minimum wage will receive the defined floor for the year. For those earning above the floor, the first payment with the readjustment will be between February 1st and 7th.

The amounts to be paid will be defined on January 11, when the Brazilian Institute of Statistical Geography (IBGE) will release the National Consumer Price Index (INPC) from January to December 2021, which has already accumulated a high of 9.36 %.

The minimum monthly amount of INSS retirement foreseen, in 2022, will be R$1,210.44 and the social security ceiling should rise from R$6,433.57 to R$7,079.50.



With the expected increase in the minimum wage, more people will be entitled to FGTS corrections at the Special Federal Court. Currently, the maximum value of orders is R$66 thousand, equivalent to 60 minimum wages. As of January, with the readjustment, the value rises to R$72.6 thousand.

Workers can calculate the FGTS revision value with the FGTS Loit, a tool that does the calculation free of charge at site.

Emergency Assistance

The bill that allocates additional Emergency Aid payments only to single parents enters the Congressional voting agenda this week. The text was approved earlier this month by the Mixed Budget Committee. The forecast is for a transfer of R$2.7 billion to around 1.2 million single-parent families. Those enrolled in Auxílio Brasil or CadÚnico must receive the benefit in the first months of 2022.

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#expect #Emergency #Aid #Brazil #FGTS #INSS

source https://pledgetimes.com/2022-what-to-expect-about-emergency-aid-brazil-fgts-and-inss/