Anger with Juan Grabois, María Eugenia Vidal on a trip and the coincidences of Juliana and Fabiola

To march

The mobilizations of social organizations and piqueteras this week irritated hundreds of workers who circulated through the City of Buenos Aires and its entrances and saw their circulation complicated, due to the numerous cuts that took place. But where There were also annoyances due to these marches, it was at the Casa Rosada, as they occurred in the middle of the discussion between the Nation and the Buenos Aires administration of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta for the control of access to CABA, which will undergo adjustments as of May 1, with the validity of a new DNU.

In addition, because the important march of this last Tuesday coincided with the diffusion that the organizations demand that the national government vaccinate those who work in soup kitchens and popular picnic areas, since they are people who are in contact with many people and are at the mercy of the virus. Of course, where there was not much affinity is in the number of doses claimed, since 70,000 sounds like excessive so that it is only applied to those who give a noble service in dining rooms and picnic areas.

But the other controversy that was unleashed was inside the Government, since in Tuesday’s march flags of the MTE -Movement of Excluded Workers- that respond to Juan Grabois were seen. That unleashed the ire of social leaders in charge of the national government. “This boy marches but it seems that he forgets that he has 100 guys in the Government”. grumbled one of the most exalted leaders with territorial weight who has an armchair in the management of Alberto Ángel Fernández. The glances also pointed to the side of the Minister of Development, Daniel Arroyo, who they blame for not containing the restless Grabois. Gear 1, 2 …

Juan Grabois, in a camp on Avenida 9 de. Clarín Archive

Meek raven

Where, on the contrary, the honeys of reconciliation seem to appear is between La Cámpora and mayors who have had some or other intersections with the group led by Máximo Carlos Kirchner. A sample of that was lthe visit that Andrés Larroque made to Mayor Juan Zabaleta. by Hurlingham. The now Minister of Community Development of Axel Kicillof responded to the invitation that the faithful mayor made to Alberto to inaugurate a kindergarten in William Morris. There, Zabaleta thanked Larroque for the Province’s contribution with food for the schools, which reach about 27,000 boys in Hurlingham. On the way, The photo served to put a bit of calm among the Peronists most classics from the province of Buenos Aires and the active campers boys. All is peace, and more in an election year …

Andrew "Raven" Larroque and Juan Zabaleta at the inauguration of a kindergarten in Hurlingham

Andrés “Cuervo” Larroque and Juan Zabaleta at the inauguration of a kindergarten in Hurlingham

Presidential fashion

Where there was also coincidence was between first ladies and, to the surprise of many -and many-, the agreement between Juliana Awada and Fabiola Yañez happened. How is that? Mauricio Macri’s wife was always a fan of Gabriel Lage, who is a fashion designer for celebrities like Pampita Ardohain and Mirtha Legrand. And now the current first lady has joined as a fan, who has become a devotee of Lage, who is a true benchmark of Argentine haute couture. Shaking heads …

The Caras cover, with the looks of Juliana Awada and Fabiola Yáñez.

The Caras cover, with the looks of Juliana Awada and Fabiola Yáñez.

Open book

María Eugenia Vidal was finally able to present her book, entitled “Mi camino”, and now he is preparing to go with him to the provinces of Santa Fe, Mendoza and Córdoba. The tour, organized by the national deputy Cristian Ritondo. It already registers requests from 16 provinces for the former governor to travel and, incidentally, hold meetings with local leaders of Together for Change. Due to the pandemic, Vidal analyzes whether the tour will be face-to-face or if it will be via streaming, with a prestigious local journalist interviewing her. Thus, Vidal continues with his political reappearance, which happened in this month of April, with the book and a number of journalistic notes, calculated with precision. For now, the former “Heidi” avoids giving an electoral definition. “He’s going to play but he still doesn’t know where”, they point to his side, thus avoiding to say if he will compete for the province that he knew how to govern or if he will finally disembark in the City of Buenos Aires, which augurs a final path for the fight for the Head of Government in 2023. Step by step …

María Eugenia Vidal and her book "My way". . Photo Martín Bonetto

María Eugenia Vidal and her book “My way”. . Photo Martín Bonetto

#Anger #Juan #Grabois #María #Eugenia #Vidal #trip #coincidences #Juliana #Fabiola
