Germany predicted Berlin’s actions in the event of a war between Russia and NATO

In Germany, they predicted Berlin’s actions in the event of a war between Russia and NATO. The publicist Wolfgang Münchau wrote about this in his article for the Handelsblatt newspaper.

The expert said that there is no chance that Germany will participate in a military action against Moscow, even if it invades the Baltic states. Thus, in his opinion, it is naive to believe that the fifth article of the charter of the North Atlantic Alliance on collective security will immediately come into effect. Munchau also cited as an argument the words of the Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who argued that Berlin “owes” Russia the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline for the sins of the Second World War.

At the same time, the expert believes that the “Suwalki Corridor”, which is located on the Polish-Lithuanian border, may become a stress point. It was there, according to him, that hostilities could begin, since this section could connect Belarus with the Kaliningrad region.

Previously, the former commander of the Polish land forces, General Waldemar Skrypczak, described a possible scenario of military operations in the Kaliningrad region with the participation of NATO troops. He pointed out that in the event of an armed conflict in the region, the forces of the Baltic Fleet and the troops of the Kaliningrad defense region will play a key role.

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