Better pile of corpses than lockdown? Alleged Johnson quote about the corona crisis causes an outcry

  • ofMarcus Gable

    shut down

What restrictions does society tolerate? This is a question that drives politics during the corona pandemic. Boris Johnson is said to have made his preferences clear with a drastic sentence.

Munich – Boris Johnson will probably be considered one of the most influential protagonists of the corona crisis when looking back on this pandemic in decades. Because other heads of state have recently learned a lot from the British Prime Minister.

At first, Johnson completely misjudged the danger associated with Sars-CoV-2, infected himself early and fell seriously ill with Covid-19. Great Britain suffered from the misjudgment, the number of infections shot up quickly. The head of state later brought his country, which had been badly hit, back on track with strict measures including an enormously drastic lockdown. On top of that, the UK ordered copious amounts of vaccine and has already immunized half of the population.

Johnson in the Corona crisis: “Let’s stack the bodies by the thousands”

At first glance, it now appears that Johnson has drawn the right conclusions from his initial frivolity. With which the 56-year-old – no matter how ironic it may sound – could emerge as one of the winners of the pandemic. But now a quote is ascribed to him that raises considerable doubts about his ability to learn.

“No more … lockdowns – let’s pile the bodies by the thousands,” the Tories politician reportedly rumbled at a meeting in his office on Downing Street in October shortly before the third and enormously effective lockdown was imposed. That’s how she wants it Daily Mail have experienced, which is based on unspecified ear witnesses.

England in the Corona crisis: Johnson was always reluctant to lockdowns

Would you rather risk more deaths with your eyesight than circumcise the British in their everyday lives? This is how this quote could be interpreted. Perhaps the expectation could also resonate that the people would voluntarily withdraw into their own four walls with a rapidly increasing number of victims. Which would be downright cynical.

At least it is known that Johnson found it very difficult to impose lockdowns. Citizens’ freedom has always been a priority for him. Accordingly, he was likely to have decided the measures he had announced himself only with a grumble.

Johnson in the Corona crisis: Downing Street speaks of “another lie”

Whether the native New Yorker would have really accepted the pile of corpses in order to be able to guarantee a life that is no longer completely normal in this case must at least be questioned. Because the denial followed promptly. From the seat of government it was only said that the report was “just another lie”.

According to the agency Reuters Johnson replied to journalists when asked whether the lockdown corpse sentence actually sprung from his lips: “No, but again: I think the important thing is that the people want us to move forward and the government does everything with it the lockdowns take hold. And they have. “

Video: Every second Briton has already been vaccinated against Covid-19

Johnson in the Corona crisis: Daily Mail uses an inhuman sentence to refer to anonymous sources

Now basically there is a statement against a statement. Because the Daily Mail sticks to their representation. The anonymous sources claim to have heard the inhuman sentence from the mouth of the head of state. He is said to have fallen after Johnson was warned that clinics would have to be guarded by soldiers given the immense number of Covid-19 patients.

In spring 2021, Great Britain is in a much better position despite more than 127,000 corona deaths and soon 4.5 million cases of infection. The return to normal plan, including a multi-stage model, is in full swing in May and June.

Johnson in Corona Crisis: Violent allegations of failures in dealing with the pandemic

For Johnson himself, however, it is still a long way from time to breathe a sigh of relief. His former special advisor, Dominic Cummings, who himself had fallen into twilight, said that the travel bans that were imposed too late were “an enormously significant problem” in the Corona crisis. In addition, it is said that the third lockdown at the beginning of the year could have been prevented had the second been more stringent – as his Vice Michael Gove and Minister of Health Matt Hancock had urgently advised.

It seems as if the time of reckoning for the corona course has already come in Great Britain. (mg)

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