Canadian authorities may schedule new hearings in the Oberlander case

Canadian authorities may schedule new hearings in the case of Nazi accomplice Helmut Oberlander. This was announced on Tuesday, April 6, by a representative of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB), reports “RIA News“.

“The Department of Immigration (IRB) can now move on to scheduling a hearing … at the moment, nothing is planned,” – said the agency’s interlocutor.

Oberländer disputes the authorities’ decisions to release the details of his case, believing that this violates court procedures, and, therefore, the case should be suspended on a permanent basis. However, the court considers that these complaints should be considered and resolved in an administrative manner. If the outcome of the consideration does not satisfy Oberlander, Judge Denis Gascon explained, he has the right to appeal them in court. How long an administrative review may take, the judge did not say.

Earlier that day, a Canadian court denied a 97-year-old former SS man, who had been deprived of the country’s citizenship, to suspend the deportation case indefinitely.

On December 25, the Russian embassy in Ottawa reported that the Canadian authorities, despite Russia’s request for the extradition of the former SS man Helmut Oberlander, who participated in the mass executions in the USSR, refused to comment and did not ask for any documents.

Earlier, on December 18, the FSB of Russia confirmed the participation of Oberlander in the executions of 27 thousand people near Rostov-on-Don in 1942 and in other places, in particular in the regions of Taganrog and Krasnodar.

Investigators opened a case on the genocide of orphanages under Art. 357 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on October 30, 2019. The investigation revealed that in December the Supreme Court of Canada stripped Oberlander of the citizenship he had previously been granted. He hid from the authorities of this country that he participated in the activities of the specified fascist unit.

The Canadian government has launched the process of deporting Oberlander, but the country where it is planned to be deported has not been announced.

In April 2020, the Canadian authorities postponed the consideration of the case on the possibility of deportation of Oberlander due to the coronavirus pandemic. He will first have to go through a hearing to determine whether the charges against him are substantiated, and only then can deportation follow.

Oberländer is an ethnic German born in Ukraine. He is on the list of the 10 most wanted and not yet dead Nazi criminals at the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

Oberländer claimed that at the age of 17 he entered the Nazi army under duress, but did not share the ideology of the Third Reich, and also did not have a status that would give him the ability to give orders. Having immigrated to Canada in 1954, he did not disclose his wartime activities, which helped him obtain a residence permit and citizenship of the country, writes “”

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