Ironically: Amazon boss Bezos is in favor of higher corporate taxes

D.he world’s largest online retailer, Amazon, has long been criticized for tax avoidance. But now CEO Jeff Bezos is speaking out in favor of higher taxes. “We support an increase in the corporate tax rate,” said Bezos on Tuesday in a statement published on Amazon’s company blog.

In it, the multibillionaire encouraged the American Congress and administration to find a “right, balanced solution that would maintain or expand the competitiveness of the United States.”

Bezos’ statements are made against the background of a billion dollar infrastructure investment program that President Joe Biden is planning, and which is to be financed in part by stronger corporate taxation.

Amazon needs good PR

The debate about higher taxes to the tax authorities was fueled on Monday by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who called for a global minimum tax rate for companies. The proposal should also be a topic at the video conference of the G20 finance ministers on Wednesday.

It is actually unusual that Bezos or Amazon express themselves publicly on politically explosive topics. However, the group is under pressure and can currently use positive PR. In a recent speech, President Biden reprimanded Amazon as one of the companies using legal loopholes to avoid tax payments. In addition, a vote in Alabama, through which a union could join Amazon for the first time, caused the debate about the working conditions of the group to boil again.

In the last week of March, Democratic Congressman Mark Pocan had drawn attention to the fact that Amazon’s delivery drivers often have to complete their shift without any sanitary facilities in sight. The employees in the dispatch centers would also be put under such pressure that they would feel compelled to pee in bottles instead of taking a toilet break. After Amazon mocked Pocan, the company later had to admit that the allegations were based on facts.

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