Özdemir bursts the collar because of Baerbock tip at Lanz: “If it goes after that …”

Armin Laschet is the Union’s candidate for chancellor. What this means for the federal election campaign will be discussed in the “Markus Lanz” panel as well as the Infection Protection Act.

Hamburg – The “Markus Lanz” panel on Tuesday evening will initially deal with Armin Laschet’s (CDU) freestyle for the Union’s candidate for chancellor. However, the fact that the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia prevailed against the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) is not right for everyone in the sister parties.

A CDU member who has stood up for Söder is the state chairman of the Berlin CDU, Kai Wegner. He says of Laschet as a candidate for chancellor: “I’m not thrilled.” The reason for this is the one that Söder proponents have been repeating for days: “If you look at the polls, of course you have a good chance with Markus Söder.”

Laschet prevails, CDU man Wegner at “Markus Lanz”: “It will be a difficult election campaign”

Because Wegner is a CDU member, talk show host Lanz wants to know what it feels like to “stab your own party chairman in the back”. Wegner rejects this view, he does not think “that a strong party leader must automatically be a candidate for chancellor”. His wish would have been to involve the party’s base more closely in the process of the election for Chancellor candidate. Cem Özdemir (Greens) does not understand this need: “I was also the federal chairman of my party. If, as a board member, I don’t know what makes the grassroots work, then maybe you’ve got the wrong job anyway. I don’t need a district chairman, I need to know that as a member of the federal executive board. “

“Markus Lanz” – these were his guests on April 20th:

  • Manuela Schwesig (SPD) – Prime Minister Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
  • Cem Ozdemir * (Greens) – Member of the Bundestag
  • Kai Wegner (CDU) – State Chairman of the CDU Berlin
  • Kristina Dunz – journalist
  • Wolfram Weimer – publicist

For journalist Kristina Dunz, the Union cut a very bad figure in Armin Laschet’s freestyle: “That was to be understood as a picture today. After 16 years as Chancellor of Angela Merkel, the Union proclaims a new candidate for Chancellor. The one who has become is alone in Berlin and the one who has been very disappointed and has withdrawn with his fist in his pocket is alone in Munich. No cheers, no photo together, no feeling of departure. And with the Greens, one of the others says: This is your stage now. That drops so much against the Greens. “

K-question clarified in all parties, Greens as model students

The latter decided calmly and apart from the public for their candidate Annalena Baerbock, which does not escape Wegner’s: “What the Greens put down was basically like we did before and we did it like them Greens earlier. ” The bottom line was that this decision-making process was “a little too open” for him. The publicist Wolfram Weimer sees no problem in this, on the contrary: “That there are such disputes in parties, for me that is the essence of democracy. So that parties argue openly about important issues, important personnel issues – to be honest, I would like more of them. ”

Annalena Baerbock is lacking experience? Cem Özdemir gets upset about “Markus Lanz”: “That suits people up to here”

Weimer nevertheless finds a catch with Baerbock, of whom talk host Lanz later said to Özdemir: “That will always fall on your feet.” What is meant is the fact that the Greens’ candidate for chancellor has never held a political office, “not even mayor,” as Weimer states. So far, she has been eyed benevolently, “that changed yesterday. Now the question is whether she can be Chancellor ”. For him, the candidacy has this “central weakness: It looks like driving a car without driving lessons and a driver’s license”.

Cem Özdemir bursts the collar with this argument: “If it comes down to the experience argument, I would say: The Scheuer is a great Minister of Transport because he has been doing it for ages. Without anything in return. Half a billion euros of nonsense toll that my 11-year-old child could have known was unconstitutional. His officials told him, the Bundestag told him so, our scientific service. He did it anyway, he didn’t even have to resign. This is the kind of experience people have here. We want a breath of fresh air, we want digitization, we want climate protection. That is the reason why we are so successful right now and as long as the others keep doing it, nothing will change. “

Corona measures in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania – Manuela Schwesig at “Markus Lanz”: “Implement what we have decided”

The Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig (SPD), who was switched on by video towards the end of the panel discussion, uses her appearance to distribute against the Union. The power struggle between Laschet and Söder was “a showcase” that had also affected the Prime Minister’s Conference (MPK) at times. She defends herself against Lanz’s view that the MPK failed as a format, “but I have to say that we in the MPK have seen time and again that there was a power struggle where one asked oneself: Is it about the matter or is it about the exhibition of the two candidates. ”

She is unimpressed by the nationwide Infection Protection Act: “When I see the Federal Infection Protection Act, which it should do better, I can only say: 14 days with results that are far behind what we decided in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for the pandemic , within three days, together with the opposition, then I can only put a question mark on whether the way is the better. ” She finds approval for this both from Özdemir (“Now we are going to get a law that will lead us straight to Karlsruhe.”), And from Weimer (“No one needs this law”).

“Markus Lanz” – the conclusion of the show

At the beginning of the show, Markus Lanz tries to provoke the CDU politician Kai Wegner, but has little success. Wegner smiles the tips away and shows himself belligerent, after all, he wants to become mayor of Berlin. Meanwhile, Cem Özdemir (Greens) shows him how it works with the support of his own candidate for chancellor. He speaks strongly to Annalena Baerbock without belittling her adversary Robert Habeck, who speaks of the most painful day of his career in an interview. Manuela Schwesig (SPD) also has a candidate for chancellor to support – Olaf Scholz (SPD). To do that, she even goes to confront Özdemir for a moment, after all, Scholz is the most experienced of the candidates. The two journalists Katarina Dunz and Wolfram Weimer contribute with one or two subtlety to the fact that politicians are committed to their positions and candidates. *24hamburg.de is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubric lists: © Screenshot: ZDF / Markus Lanz

#Özdemir #bursts #collar #Baerbock #tip #Lanz

source https://pledgetimes.com/ozdemir-bursts-the-collar-because-of-baerbock-tip-at-lanz-if-it-goes-after-that-2/