Five injured in collision of a fire engine with a building in the United States

Five people were injured after a fire engine rammed a building in American Philadelphia, the newspaper reported. The Philadelphia Inquirer

According to the newspaper, a fire engine crashed into a passing car on May 27 at 16:00 local time (23:00 Moscow time), after which it bounced off the road and collided with a four-story building on Girard Avenue, entering the building through the broken wall.

As a result of the incident, four firefighters and a woman driver of the car were injured. All victims were hospitalized, it is noted that their condition is not critical. No one was injured in the building itself.

Some time after the incident, the fire engine was pulled out of the building and towed away.

On April 28, in Japan, a car crashed into a hospital building, ramming a glass wall. The 70-year-old driver confused the gas and brake pedals, which was the cause of the accident. All victims received minor injuries.

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