Harsh criticism of the opposition to the Government for withdrawing the lawsuit against the Nicolás Maduro regime

After the Government led by Alberto Fernández made the decision to withdraw Argentina’s lawsuit before the International Criminal Court in The Hague for alleged crimes against humanity committed by Chavista leaders in Venezuela, several opposition politicians and even Elisa Trotta Gamus, representative of Juan Guaidó in the country, expressed their repudiation throught social media.

“We deeply regret this decision of the Argentine Government, which, far from defending justice and the human rights of thousands of Venezuelan victims, benefits those who have committed crimes against humanity, in a proven and documented way, “Trotta wrote this Wednesday on his official Twitter account.

And he added: “The murders, the forced disappearances, the persecutions and threats, the excessive repression, have been and are a fact in Venezuela. Those responsible are fully identifiedAnd the head of all of them is the one who usurps power today: Nicolás Maduro. “

In addition, he pointed out that in 2019, “the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of Argentina collected 44 testimonies from Venezuelans in Argentina whose human rights were violated by the Venezuelan dictatorship” and questioned: “¿¿Such painful testimonies are not enough to support the victims? “.

“Siding with the oppressor does not contribute to recovering democracy, peace and freedom in Venezuela, and much less does it raise the banners of justice. A democrat must always put up the defense of human rights before their ideology, “he attacked.

For its part, president of PRO, Patricia Bullrich, also joined the criticism: “The president reaffirmed his support for the Maduro regime, leaving us aligned with a dictatorship at the edge of collapse”.

Likewise, the former Minister of Security during the term of Mauricio Macri took the opportunity to once again target the Government for the vaccination campaign: “And (Alberto Fernández) rejects, for ideological reasons, the help of the United States for vaccines to Argentines. This too explains why we don’t have the Pfizer vaccine. “

Meanwhile, the president of the interblock of deputies of Together for Change, Mario Negri, accused that “Kirchnerism is an accomplice of the violation of Human Rights in Venezuela “.

“The decision to withdraw our country from the lawsuit for crimes against humanity committed by the Venezuelan dictatorship is an act of accomplice with the torture, disappearance and rape. Respect for human rights is not negotiated and Maduro’s serious crimes deserve punishment, “warned Maximiliano Ferraro, president of the Civic Coalition and national deputy.

JxC deputy Waldo Wolff said through his Twitter account: “This government has finished destroying a decades-long tradition of denouncing human rights violations in the region. Sorry Venezuelans. How much shame“.

“What a shame it is to be Felipe Solá and Alberto Fernández. They abandon Venezuelans. Scoundrels“, considered the deputy Fernando Iglesias.

On the other hand, Paula Maria Bertol, representative of Argentina to the Organization of American States (OAS), wrote: “It is embarrassing and embarrassing that Argentina withdraw from the lawsuit that we filed in August 2018 together with Canada, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru. “

“This decision puts us in the worst of places. In that of the handful of countries, not only in the continent, but in the world that choose to look the other way in the face of flagrant violations. Today, according to this decision, we are much less supportive and fraternal, “he added.

For his part, the former provisional president of the Senate, Federico Pinedo, said: “It hurts me that it can be understood that we are not in solidarity with the victims of serious violations of basic human rights such as life and liberty.”

“It is incredible that we have fallen so low. This Lord (Felipe Solá) and his President (Alberto Fernández) have c ….. in the best humanitarian and diplomatic tradition of the Argentine Republic,” said the former ambassador to the United States , Brazil, European Union and China, Diego Guelar.

Look also
Argentina withdrew from the international lawsuit in The Hague for crimes against humanity in Venezuela

#Harsh #criticism #opposition #Government #withdrawing #lawsuit #Nicolás #Maduro #regime

source https://pledgetimes.com/harsh-criticism-of-the-opposition-to-the-government-for-withdrawing-the-lawsuit-against-the-nicolas-maduro-regime/