Nutritionists have named foods that help you lose weight

American nutritionists have named foods that help you lose weight. Recommendations were published by Eat This, Not That!

Nutritionist Lauren Hubert believes that legumes – beans, lentils, chickpeas and others – can be beneficial for weight loss. She claims that their consumption leads to moderate weight loss even in the absence of restrictions on food calories.

Nutritionist Roxana Ehsani believes that when losing weight, you should include avocados in your diet. “Healthy fats like those found in avocados help you feel fuller,” she explains. “This means your appetite will be suppressed and you will be full for longer.”

New York nutritionist Keri Gans recommends that those who lose weight eat strawberries. According to her, this berry contains flavonoids, which research shows can help maintain a healthy weight.

Other nutritionists interviewed by the publication also advised whey protein, tea, eggs, pasta, walnuts, peanuts, pistachios and yogurt.

Earlier, American nutritionist Rachel Paul shared a simple way to make your diet more balanced. According to the expert, to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and calories, it is enough to fill half of the plate with vegetables. Divide the rest of the serving between protein and starchy foods.

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