Lionel Messi with an open heart: his family, football and Argentina

Lionel Messi is always in the news every time he speaks. And this time he did it in exclusive with sports diary Ole, which this Saturday will publish a collector’s edition 112 pages for his Silver Jubilee that takes place on Sunday.

La Pulga, who this Saturday will not play for Barcelona at the close of the Spanish League, opened up to talk about his intimacy with the director of the newspaper, Mariano Dayan, and the editor Hernán Claus. There, in addition to speaking without filters, he was given two gifts: a painting with a special Olé lid, with a gold-plated frame and made by the renowned goldsmith Juan Carlos Pallarols, and a personalized 80-page journal, printed, with his life.

“Thank you very much for this award, the truth is that I am very excited that there is recognition from my country, from Olé with what that means. That they have thought of me. I was lucky to have won many individual awards, but whenever one comes from home, from my country, it makes me much more excited. So I am very proud to be able to have this award from you, ”said Messi. Here, the most salient excerpts from the interview.

Mariano Dayan, director of Diario Olé, gives Lionel Messi a special cover with a gold-plated frame made by the goldsmith Juan Carlos Pallarols.

The decision to go to Spain

“Making that decision was difficult, but at the same time it was quick. I didn’t even hesitate, but without thinking. Around there I didn’t quite understand what it meant to leave my country, my people, my friends, and start another life somewhere else, so far away. Y at first it was hard. It was hard because when I arrived I couldn’t play because of a role issue, then I started and got injured … almost a year without being able to compete. I just trained … And then I was lucky that from then on it was all very fast ”.

Injections to grow

“It was a good that was going to serve me for life, everyday life, not just to be a soccer player. In that sense, I am very responsible. When I propose something to myself, I try to push it to the maximum, to achieve it and to fight for what I want ”.

Family life with Antonela, Thiago, Ciro and Mateo

“I am lucky to be able to share. Because there are many parents who have to go out to work and work all day. And they do not arrive until night, as happened to mine, who was working all day and I saw him arrive at nine at night, dead … I saw little of him. I am lucky to be with them almost all day, take them to school, go pick them up, take them to soccer, to other activities and I love it. Although sometimes you want to kill them, jeeee ”.

The difficulty of being Messi

“The issue of departures. That out there you want to go unnoticed or you want to do normal things, and getting into where there are many people or in a shopping mall is more complicated, but it does not happen that they know you, a photo, that … out there you react badly, bah, not that you react badly, out there whoever asks you for the photo expected you to laugh more … Sometimes they tell you laugh and sometimes you don’t want to know anything. They are things that I have to live and I don’t complain either. “

Back to Rosario

“I don’t know how to explain it, I love going to Rosario, being with my people. To meet again with friends, family, eat barbecue, get together. I don’t know, maybe the fact of leaving so young and not having enjoyed everything as I would have liked the country or my friends, makes me want to keep coming back ”.

The problems of Argentina

“They make me sick and more when they are people you love and are friends. But I don’t like what happens not only with my friends but everywhere. There is a lot of poverty. I saw it, I saw it up close, I know it, I know what it is about, it is not that I was always in the position that I am today. But it is always difficult to give an opinion on this side. I am aware of everything that happens both in Argentina and in Spain, which is the country where I live, and I do not like what I see. And I suffer it. Just like people suffer ”.

Childhood memories

I did not lack anything because my old man worked all day. And maybe I was never there so that we do not lack anything. And he worked overtime and worked more. But I have also had friends who lived in a village, who had no food, no electricity, no water. I also experienced that closely.

Leo or Lío?

“It’s Lío, but Leo was left. For me it is Leo, it is Leo. My old woman is going to kill me, but there is already Leo”.

The beard

“I was with Gillette and they told me to go shaved whenever possible. And then I spent a long time shaving. Until we were no more and I said I don’t shave anymore, and it was staying, That way madness grabs me and I take it out. Like my hair, I keep it long, there comes a time that bothers me and I cut it short ”.

The America Cup

“It has been a long time since we got together, the last time we couldn’t go because of the virus and that makes us want to get together more. It is a special Cup due to the fact that there will surely be no people. Even so, I have I really want to be there again “.

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