Russia will introduce “controlled stay” of migrants

Russia will introduce a special legal regime for migrants who do not have the right to stay in Russia, but are forced to stay in the country, for example, because of the self-isolation regime. On Saturday, May 22, reports TASS with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The regime will be called “Controlled stay”, the department noted.

“It (regime. – Ed.) Will be established in relation to migrants who have no legal basis for staying in Russia, but staying on its territory for one reason or another,” the statement says.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs indicated that the new social and legal regime will apply to those migrants in respect of whom, for example, the execution of expulsion decisions has been suspended or their entry from Russia has been restricted due to the need to fulfill the sentences imposed and participate in court proceedings.

The issue of applying this regime to migrants who suffer from “socially dangerous infectious diseases” is also being considered.

On May 20, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia announced the possibility of extending the period of stay of illegal migrants on Russian territory up to 90 days if they are unable to return to their country due to the interruption of transport links amid a pandemic of coronavirus infection.

#Russia #introduce #controlled #stay #migrants
