Non-essential businesses in the City will only be able to sell online

Non-essential businesses in the City will only be able to sell online. They can only open to deliver merchandise but from the door to the outside. Despite the fact that Horacio Rodríguez Larreta said in his press conference on Thursday that non-essential shops would remain open for the next ten days and could sell to the public by attending from the door, the measures ended up being more restrictive.

Those businesses can only deliver at the door of the premises or sending via delivery systems Products that have been previously purchased through online sales systems or by telephone purchase.

In turn, the Buenos Aires government reported this Friday that non-essential businesses may be served only by workers who live within the Federal Capital and that they arrive at the premises without using public transport.

The national government also added that non-essential business owners will not be able to enter the City from the Province of Buenos Aires to serve them either.

The gastronomic ones, only for delivery. Photo Juano Tesone

To these restrictions is added that the locals will be able to work only with clients who live in the City, due to the restrictions to transit between the Federal Capital and the Province of Buenos Aires.

With these limits, it is to be expected that the activity of a good part of the large Buenos Aires shopping centers dedicated to items considered non-essential, such as those located on Cabildo, Corrientes, Rivadavia, Santa Fe, Cordoba or other avenues will suffer greatly.

At the same time, the centers dedicated to the wholesale trade of the City, such as the textile poles of Once or Avellaneda Street, which work largely with non-Buenos Aires customers and buyers with retail stores, will be greatly affected.

This Friday it was also confirmed that the construction sites will not be able to work while the period of strict confinement lasts, despite the requests of the chambers and unions.

The first controls took place shortly before the closing of this edition, and they were bet on the accesses between the Capital and Greater Buenos Aires that will remain open.

As reported by the Government, there will be 65 checkpoints in the Federal Capital and the Suburbs that will be in charge of 11,500 federal troops deployed by those districts.


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New restrictions due to Covid: what about air tickets, hotel reservations and already paid tour packages
Axel Kicillof differs from Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and closes shops that are not essential

#Nonessential #businesses #City #sell #online
