Polls: Union sets itself apart from the Greens – for Baerbock it comes thick

  • ofMarkus Hofstetter

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According to the latest Insa survey, the Union can expand its lead over the Greens. Green chancellor candidate Baerbock has to cope with poorer values.

Berlin – The CDU seems to be fighting its way out of the polls four months before the general election. This is indicated by the result of the current Insa online survey, which the opinion research institute on behalf of picture from June 21 to 25, 2021. Compared to the survey of May 17, the CDU / CSU increased by 0.5 percentage points to 26 percent. The Union has achieved its best result in over four weeks. On April 20, it reached 27 percent.

The Greens, on the other hand, lose a percentage point and only come to 22 percent. The Union is thus further expanding its lead. The SPD as the third strongest force comes unchanged to 16 percent. The same applies to the FDP with 12.5 percent. In addition to the Union, only the AfD was able to gain, it improved by 0.5 percentage points to 11.5 percent. With a stable 6.5 percent, the left brings up the rear in the race of the parties.

On Sunday, Insa published another survey which, in contrast to the current survey, is a mix of online and telephone surveys. In this, the Union in particular shows itself to be weaker. It came to 24 percent, while the Greens are just behind with 23 percent.

RTL / ntv trend barometer for the federal election: Greens despite losses in front of the Union

The survey results of the current RTL / ntv “trend barometer” (May 26th) show a slightly different picture. Here the Greens are still ahead of the Union despite losses compared to the previous week. The party loses a percentage point and comes in at 25 percent. The CDU / CDU remains unchanged at 24 percent.

In the battle for third place, the SPD with 14 percent and the FDP with 13 percent are almost on par. However, there are big differences in the changes. While the SPD was at a standstill, the FDP was able to improve by two percentage points.

The AfD with ten percent and the left with six percent also remain unchanged. Eight percent of those surveyed would choose one of the other parties. The number of non-voters and the undecided remains unchanged at 24 percent.

If the Chancellor is directly elected: Baerbock further ahead of Laschet

If the Germans could elect their chancellor directly, Annalena Baerbock of the Greens would continue to do best. 28 percent would choose them. But that is a decrease of two percentage points. The scandal about late-reported additional income could play a role here. Union chancellor candidate Armin Laschet comes unchanged to 18 percent. SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz increases by one percentage point to 14 percent. 40 percent would not vote for any of the three.

Notes on the surveys

The polling institute Insa has for picture A total of 2,128 people were surveyed online between May 17 and 25. The question was “If there were elections to the Bundestag next Sunday, how would you vote?” The survey shows a maximum margin of error of plus / minus 2.5 percentage points.

For the RTL media group asked the market and opinion research institute Forsa from 18 to 21 May 2021 a total of 2004 people. The statistical margin of error is plus / minus 2.5 percentage points.

List of rubric lists: © Kay Nietfeld

#Polls #Union #sets #Greens #Baerbock #thick

source https://pledgetimes.com/polls-union-sets-itself-apart-from-the-greens-for-baerbock-it-comes-thick/