The regions most interested in moonshine have been named

The office of the business ombudsman Boris Titov found out in which regions of Russia residents are interested in home brewing. It is reported by RIA News

It turned out that the most popular requests for displays of moonshine still in Lipetsk, Voronezh and Tula regions, Khakassia, Nenets and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous districts, as well as in Chukotka. In total, residents of 31 regions of the country are constantly interested in such requests.

In November 2020, it became known that self-isolation and the transition to remote work provoked an interest in home brewing among Russians: citizens found an outlet in the purchase of devices and ingredients for making alcohol. In particular, an increased interest in moonshine stills was noticed in Yandex.Market: in spring, twice as many people were interested in buying as in the period from March to May 2019. In October and early November, there was another surge in interest: the service recorded an increase in conversions to online stores by 20 percent.

In 2019, FinExpertiza found out that over ten years, Russians have changed their preference for alcoholic beverages. If in 2010 the leader in terms of absolute alcohol volumes was vodka with 630.4 million liters, and beer came second with 496 million, then in 2019 beer took the lead – 391.2 million liters versus 332.8 million for vodka and liqueurs. products.

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