“Sberbank” has estimated the damage from telephone fraud at 3.5-5 billion rubles per month

The monthly damage to citizens from telephone fraud all over the country is 3.5-5 billion rubles, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sber Stanislav Kuznetsov told Izvestia. The most common scheme (61%) of telephone fraud, he called the transfer of money to a “secure” account. In this case, the person withdraws money or takes out a loan and deposits it into the criminal’s account.

In 2020, Sberbank received 3.7 million complaints of fraudulent attempts, the bank said. The organization estimates that attackers called citizens more than 15 million times last year. At the same time, the damage caused by telephone fraud in the past year has doubled compared to 2019.

According to the bank’s data, one call-center accounts for 3,000 to 7,000 calls per day. Half of them are not dialed, and less than 1% of calls are made. The income of one call-center is about $ 1 million per month. There can be dozens of such call centers, noted in Sberbank.

According to a survey by FinCERT (a division of the Central Bank for cybersecurity), which Izvestia got acquainted with, the volume of fraudulent transactions with the accounts of individuals and legal entities in 2020 increased 1.5 times compared to 2019 – up to 9.8 billion rubles. More than half of thefts (62%) are social engineering frauds. Credit institutions reimbursed customers only 11.3% of lost funds – 1.1 billion rubles. But banks do not return money in cases where the Russians themselves tell the attackers the data necessary for the operation, for example, codes from SMS, explained in the review of the regulator.

Read more in the exclusive material from Izvestia:

Climbing calls: telephone scammers steal up to 5 billion rubles a month

#Sberbank #estimated #damage #telephone #fraud #billion #rubles #month

source https://pledgetimes.com/sberbank-has-estimated-the-damage-from-telephone-fraud-at-3-5-5-billion-rubles-per-month/