Sexologist named products that reduce and increase libido

Russian sexologist Dmitry Garin named products that reduce and increase libido. His words are quoted by Channel Five.

According to him, proper nutrition is considered the basis of a consistently high libido, but at the same time there is no single diet for all people. The specialist recommended not to stick to a specific diet, but to follow the basic principle. It lies in the fact that libido raises the hormone testosterone, which is found in both men and women.

So, a person needs to find out what products will lift him. To do this, you need to pass tests and find out about the state of the hormonal background. “Then you need to add or exclude foods from the diet to increase testosterone levels,” Garin said.

The specialist noted that in some cases, in order to increase testosterone levels, it is necessary to reduce the level of the female hormone estrogen in the body. It is also reduced by fruits and vegetables, since they contain fiber, which removes the female hormone from the liver. This increases testosterone levels.

Earlier, sexologist Yevgeny Kulgavchuk named products dangerous for men’s health. So, he advises not to drink too much coffee, that is, no more than three cups a day, because it can harm the adrenal cortex. Regular consumption of alcohol in large quantities also reduces testosterone synthesis. It is also recommended not to use mint, as it soothes not only the nervous system, but also the sexual component.

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