Blogger Dmitry Larin commented on his interrogation in the Khovansky case

Blogger Dmitry Larin admitted that in the morning he felt anxious as soon as he saw the news of the detention of Yuri Khavansky on suspicion of justifying terrorism. On June 9, he told the Telegram channel Mash about this after being interrogated in the case of his colleague on the video platform.

Larin noted that it was the first time he was interrogated. The investigating officers asked him many questions.

“They took me as a witness in the case of famous songs. Anxious, my first interrogation, ”the blogger said.

According to Larin, the investigating authorities are now trying to find out all the circumstances of the incident, since the scandalous video appeared on the Internet almost ten years ago. According to him, he hopes that the case will be resolved with a fine, albeit a very large one, but only not in real terms.

Also on Wednesday, it was reported that blogger Andrei Nefedov would also be a witness in the case.

The detention of Khovansky became known earlier that day. The case against the blogger was initiated because of the scandalous song “Nord-Ost” about the terrorist attack on Dubrovka with the seizure of hostages in October 2002. In the song, youtuber in a cynical manner mentions the dead children and calls for new terrorist attacks. According to the investigation, the blogger, referring to other persons, “with the aim of forming the ideology of terrorism, the conviction of its attractiveness” went online and sang a song.

Khovansky published the scandalous video on the Internet about a year ago, but it was filmed about ten years ago.

A criminal case was initiated against Khovansky under article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Public calls for terrorist activities, public justification of terrorism or propaganda of terrorism.” During the arrest, the blogger said that he had never performed the song in public, only during a stream from blogger Nifedov. After the arrest, Khovansky admitted his guilt and repented.

By article for justifying terrorism Khovansky faces imprisonment for up to seven years or a fine of up to 1 million rubles.
