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HS analysis HS goes through the performances of the chairmen: Marin and Saarikko plundered Orpo and Halla-aho, Ohisalo was left behind in the climate

The chairmen of the nine parliamentary parties took part in the HS municipal election exam on Wednesday. HS goes through the chairs one by one and details what they raised in the exam.

Petteri Orpo, Coalition Party

Petteri Orpo.

The Coalition Leader’s exam statement showed that the party was number one in the HS poll released on Wednesday. The orphan did not make big openings and was not very challenging for the exam: there is no need for leadership.

Orpo once again emphasized the Coalition’s economic positions and spoke of the party as a movement to grow employment and cake. Mixed Sanna Marin that Annika Saarikko however, they challenged Orpo precisely in the economy. Marin called for the Coalition’s “billion cut list” and Saarikko wanted clarity on the Coalition’s tax line: the party has opposed tax increases, although there may be a need for them in many municipalities.

Orpo kept his financial line, and replied that tax increases would be the last option for the Coalition Party. To Marin, he said the party had presented its economic program in parliament, but wondered if it had not been heard. Otherwise, for example, he contented himself with praising the climate ambitions of Turku and Helsinki – after all, the Coalition Party is strong in big cities.

Jussi Halla-aho, Basic Finns

Jussi Halla-aho.

Based on polls, the chairman of Basic Finns is on his way to a major election victory. Like an orphan, it appears as a confirmation: Jussi Halla-ahon there is no need to constantly raise immigration, which is one of its main themes, because it is already used to vote for the party.

Instead, Halla-aho has ended up talking to Sanna Marin in particular about the status of “duunares” and especially about the status of the trade union movement. In the still life, Halla-aho tries to position himself above the traditional left-right division as an applicant for pragmatic solutions. It leads to a kimurant still life that became weakly concrete in the exam. Halla-aho circulated a direct answer, for example, to whether the party wants to remove universal binding or not. Halla-aho hinted in this direction in her recent line speech.

The question is genuinely difficult for the party, as Perussuomalaiset, who is seeking a municipal victory, is swallowing voters from both the SDP and the Coalition Party. There is also a collapse of support in memory Timo Soinin at a time when the party was in favor of the Sipilä government’s tough employment policy.

Sanna Marin, Sdp

Sanna Marin.

“I’m glad Annika thinks the same way.” At the beginning of the exam, Prime Minister Marin and Minister of Finance Saarikko found each other’s critical attitude towards the household debt ceiling.

Marin defended the government’s policy by praising the success of the corona care and the stimulus measures he said have saved countless jobs. He welcomed the recent news that a record wave of investment is coming to Finland, and implicitly indicated that it was at least partly due to the government.

Marin expressed his party’s positions, among other things, by challenging the statements of basic Finns Halla-aho about the universality of collective agreements. According to Marin, the Basic Finns are not really a “duunari party”.

As usual, the Prime Minister accused the Coalition Party of wanting to cut. He again demanded from Petteri Orpo a list of billion cuts by which the opposition party would press the state’s 2023 budget into the previously agreed spending framework. New openings were hardly heard from Marin, but he challenged more other party leaders than was interviewed himself.

Annika Saarikko, downtown

Annika Saarikko.

“We are fighting for the provinces,” Saarikko summed up his party’s line. Challenged both the basic Finns Halla-aho and the Coalition Orpo, who have repeatedly called the center a support party of the Green Left.

Saarikko accused opposition leaders of being inconsistent. He asked how Halla-aho could one night support the vitality of the regions and the other night resist rural “subsidies” coming from EU money, for example.

The orphan, on the other hand, came to Saarikko’s line of fire for criticizing the sote reform. The aim of the Coalition Party is not to raise the municipal tax in any municipality. The archipelago wonders why the Coalition Party then opposes the Sote reform, without which there will be significant tax increase pressures on municipalities.

Saarikko and Marin were distinguished by the fact that, like the Prime Minister, Saarikko did not praise the government’s actions or achievements. Instead, Saarikko spent a lot of time specifically challenging opposition parties. It reinforced the image that the center will run for election as an underdog.

Maria Ohisalo, Greens

Maria Ohisalo.

“Yes!” President of the Greens Maria Ohisalo snorted as the exam moved to talk about the climate. Ohisalo glowed with government support to replace oil heating with more environmentally friendly alternatives. He pointed out that public transport does not work everywhere and also called for the construction of infrastructure for electric and biogas cars.

At the same time, however, the already broad consensus of the climate debate emerged. Proposals for municipal climate action were made by both Christians Sari Essayah (energy efficiency, forest carbon sinks) than Sanna Marinkin (public transport improvements). Ohisalo even had to stay at the feet of other climates. Jussi Halla-ahok also supported the support of biodiversity.

Still, it was clear that there are differences. In heating and the vegetable emphasis of municipal catering, differences arise between the obligation and the “enabling” of people and companies to believe in self-sufficiency (this was emphasized in particular by Anna-Maja Henriksson) on the mixing ratio. There is something about the consensus in Ohisalo’s laudable comment on the other presidents’ climate positions.

“Here are mentioned very good ways that our delegates will then certainly take together next season,” Ohisalo said.

Jussi Saramo, Left Alliance

Jussi Saramo.

Minister of Education Jussi Saramo strongly emphasized education issues and called the Left Alliance “Finland’s leading education party”.

He challenged the Greens’ Ohisalo against Helsinki’s education money, saying that the Greens first set out on the Coalition’s sled to cut off education. The nervous Ohisalo replied that coalitions must be formed in municipal politics and that the Left Alliance alone cannot demand more money for services.

Saramo brought up his idea of ​​school associations: if a municipality does not have enough school-age children to provide education, children should look for a school in a neighboring municipality that is short enough.

He also took up the Coalition’s Orpo’s argument that the introduction of a provincial tax would increase Finland’s overall tax rate. Saramo referred to a recent article by researchers at the State Economic Research Center that concerns about an increase in the overall tax rate are exaggerated or even unfounded.

Anna-Maja Henriksson, Rkp

Anna-Maja Henriksson.

The chairman of the RKP hoped for speaking time for everyone, and appealed to the examiners in the name of fairness as “minister of justice.” Once he got the vote, he estimated there was an order for a liberal like the Rkp and a party in the “middle, a little right.”

“A little from the right,” he defended in the economic debate the government’s substantial financial interest subsidies to municipalities. “We have invested in the fact that after this difficult year of interest rates, we will take care of the weaker ones. I think it is the right choice of values,” Henriksson said.

On vitality and employment, he criticized the opposition for opposing the EU recovery package and defended the government’s SOTE reform and accused the Coalition of sawing SOTO strains. Henriksson hardly challenged the government partners but appeared as a defender of a common line with Prime Minister Marin.

Sari Essayah, Christian Democrat

Sari Essayah.

At the beginning of the climate debate, the chairman of the Christian Democrats got out loud and gathered praise from others on his list of measures. He spoke in favor of education on several points and highlighted it as a key factor in the availability of labor and general vitality in the regions.

Indeed, Essayah seemed to be playing a long municipal game: if the sote reform materializes, schools and education will remain a key issue for municipalities. Profiling as a municipal school party makes sense for years to come if social problems become a concern for new welfare areas.

Essayah, skilled in the internal struggle of the opposition, could be a serious threat to Halla-aho in many municipalities as well, if the border crossing between the parties were not so small.

Harry “Hjallis” Consideration, Business Now

Harry “Hjallis” Harkimo.

“Why does this have to be made so difficult,” Movement Nytin Hjallis Harkimo asked in pain when talking about the municipal economy. He thinks the matter is simple: look at spending first and raise taxes as a last resort. However, he stressed that people cannot be promised that taxes will never be raised.

In the municipal elections, Movement Now you can eat important votes from the Coalition Party, for example in Helsinki, where the party is struggling for the first place with the Greens. Even in the HS exam, Harkimo profiled himself in presenting themes familiar from his coalition periods as obvious solutions. The political solutions of others, on the other hand, he often acknowledges as complications.


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