Coronavirus: new medical report on the health of Susana Giménez

The hospitalization of Susana Giménez (77) in the Sanatorio Cantegril in Punta del Este after a series of complications in her coronavirus picture generated concern in Argentina and Uruguay. However, this Saturday her press team reported that the diva is “stable” Y “responding well to treatment”.

“Suzanne the night had a good time, he was able to rest, he is responding very well to treatment. It remains stable, no feverThe studies are all normal, “explained the personal secretary of the diva, Dolores Mayol, in the first paragraph of a brief statement that includes the news of the Saturday part of the doctors of the Esteño health center.

“At the moment he is compensating with a oxygen mask and receiving the medicines to accompany the process “, they specified.

Susana Gimenez was vaccinated in the gymnasium of the Maldonado Campus photo: Maldonado Municipal Administration.

With regard to the time remaining in hospitalization, “it will be known day to day according to its evolution, “it was added. So the media versions that indicated that the diva could be transferred to the Otamendi Sanatorium in Buenos Aires are moving away for the moment.

It is expected that she will be exterminated soon to continue the treatment in her farm “La Mary”, in San Ignacio.

The Argentine driver already he applied both doses of the Pfizer vaccine at the Maldonado Campus. “I was going to go to the United States to get vaccinated, but it was not easy to get there and I better decided to stay at home,” she had said shortly before being inoculated in an interview with Radio Rivadavia.

Mercedes Sarrabayrouse, daughter of Susana Giménez, also tested positive for covid. Photo: Instagram

Mercedes Sarrabayrouse, daughter of Susana Giménez, also tested positive for covid. Photo: Instagram

He contracted coronavirus in Uruguay, the country where he has resided since May 2020, and had presented symptoms since last weekend.

The coronavirus reached Susana’s family environment, since her daughter Mercedes Sarrabayrouse was also swabbed and tested positive.

After developing a “mild respiratory failure” -According to the account made by one of the treating professionals to the media gathered in front of the medical center on Thursday, Giménez was admitted on Thursday night.

Although she was never in the intensive care area, per protocol she was isolated in a VIP area of ​​Cantegril and treated with medications and oxygen.

With information from Télam.

