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European Football Championship The world’s thoughts focused on Eriksen – This is how the unbelieving situation was received in Finland and around the world

The Danish star player Christian Eriksen apparently had an illness in the middle of the Denmark-Finland match. Eris was in the hospital at half past nine in the evening and his condition was reported to be stable.

Owls the first European Championship match took a dramatic turn when the Danish star player Christian Eriksen suddenly shortened to the surface of the field unconscious a few minutes before the half-time break.

Eriksen’s condition is stable and he is in the hospital. It was decided to continue the match at the request of the players at 21.30. Eriks apparently had a seizure.

Atmosphere on the spot and around the world was unaware and fearful.

In real-time follow-up matches of the match in various media, reporters said they were shocked.

For example British newspaper The Guardian Barry Glendenning wrote how he has nothing more to say about what is happening in Copenhagen field.

“My hands are shaking here, so it’s a little hard to write,” Glendenning writes.

A former English footballer Alex Scott wrote Live coverage by the BBC, a British broadcaster, he cannot believe what he is witnessing.

“Football is flying out the window. … This is a reminder of how quickly things can change, ”Scott writes.

Social media service on Twitter many wished and wished prayers on behalf of Eriksen and this family.

The Welsh Football Association, for example, showed its support for Eriksen.

Pretty soon, however, Twitter was filled with information that Eriksen seemed conscious when he was taken out of the field. This news was received with relief by the people.

Prime minister Sanna Marin showed his support for Twitter to Eriksen.

Soccer player Petteri Forsell was relieved to see that Eriksen was in sight.

Priest Kari Kanala recalled in his tweet that comfort and encouragement are now needed.

Supplier Saku-Pekka Sundelin tweeted how on-site Finnish and Danish spectators joined forces to support Eriksen.


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