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Football Dani Hataka’s dry pipe for more than two years broke – a valuable away win for Honka

Espoo Hongan’s right winger Dani Hatakka paints infrequently and selectively. The last time he hit the football league was just over two years ago in SJK’s shirt. On Friday in Oulu a wall game Lucas Kaufmann with 61 minutes played, the Hatakan coach decided a substitution may help turn the game around.

Jean Marie Dongou hit a quarter later, and Honka took the victory from AC Oulu with goals 2-0.

“In the first half, I got to practice a bit of a similar situation, but that’s when I got away,” Hatakka said.

Two summers ago, in the SJK shirt, the hit was against the breeder’s club Honka, and now in Honga’s shirt Hatakka hit AC Oulu. Hatakka played for Ykkö in the Oulu club in 2013 with a loan agreement.

Hits against former clubs made Laughing 27-year-old laugh after the game.

“I have to admit that it felt pretty good to hit AC against Oulu. I remember my time in Oulu with warmth. I was a young boy then, and there are still a lot of acquaintances here on the edge of the field, in the auditorium and on the field. ”

Due to Honka’s difficult start to the season, Friday’s only match was the jumbo final of the series. Thanks to his victory, Honka rose three places, while stern AC Oulu continues at the bottom with all six games lost.


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