Horror in Tenerife: Tomás Gimeno could have committed suicide by throwing himself into the sea with an eight-kilo lead belt

While the oceanographic vessel ‘Angeles Alvariño’ continues at this time on Friday in the coastal area of ​​Tenerife where Olivia’s body was found yesterday trying to find her sister Anna, investigators now infer what could have been the fate of Thomas Gimeno, the father of both girls. According to sources in the case, the man would have decided to commit suicide by tying a lead belt to your body, and after having thrown both minors into the sea, he also threw himself.

Minute by minute, as more details of the case are known, the news of the appearance of the body of Olivia on the coasts of Tenerife it is amplified and Spain cannot get out of its amazement. The end of the six-year-old little girl and her 1-year-old sister Anna, who disappeared on April 27 in Tenerife after Gimeno did not return them to his mother Beatriz Zimmermann at the agreed time, and leaves almost no doubts to the investigators about how this immeasurable tragedy ended.

As the ‘Notices Diary’ of Spain, the Civil Guard works exclusively with the hypothesis that Tomás Gimeno, father of the girls, ended the lives of the minors the same April 27, and then take his own off.

Tomás Gimeno and his daughter Anna have been missing since April 27, 2021. Olivia Gimeno, six years old, was found dead yesterday, Thursday, 1,000 meters deep off the coast of Tenerife.

According to this medium, Gimeno killed the girls before 9:30 p.m., the time when he set sail for the first time after uploading several packages to his boat. The alleged murderer returned to port and made one last call to the girls’ mother, and then set sail again after midnight to also, according to the hypothesis, take his own life.

Olivia and Anna, in a photo from the beginning of the year. The death of the older sister and the search for the baby keeps all of Spain in suspense.

Olivia and Anna, in a photo from the beginning of the year. The death of the older sister and the search for the baby keeps all of Spain in suspense.

The hypothesis that gains more force goes along this line: Gimeno prepared several ballasts, threw his daughters to the bottom of the sea and then he threw himself ballasting on the ocean floor with a eight kilo diving belt, made of lead. Sufficient weight to keep her body from floating. On the afternoon of this past Thursday, the lifeless body of Olivia, the oldest of the girls, was found at a depth of 1,000 meters.

The belt had been bought long ago by Gimeno, and until now was not found in any of the points where the authorities carried out raids, including Gimeno’s boat that was found adrift on April 28.

Tomás Gimeno would have drugged his daughters

This Friday, investigators also began to round out another heartbreaking theory: Gimeno drugged his daughters before throwing them into the sea.

This is because the Civil Guard has confirmed today that in the house of Tomás Gimeno they were found several empty blister packs of pills. After five raids on the father’s home after his disappearance, with the help of two police dogs, Junco and Bill, the authorities found the medicine containers.

The Oceanographic Vessel "Angeles Alvariño" He set sail this Friday to continue the search for Anna, the one-year-old baby who is still missing.

The oceanographic vessel “Ángeles Alvariño” set sail this Friday to continue the search for Anna, the one-year-old baby who is still missing.

They were lorazepam pills, sold under the trade name Orfidal or Ativan, a drug from the group of high-potency benzodiazepines that has five properties: anxiolytic, amnesic, sedative and hypnotic, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant.

On Thursday, the ocean ship ‘Ángeles Alvariño’, from where the girl’s body was located, found a terrifying scene at sea. The tracking teams found two canvas bags weighted with the anchor of the launch of the “monster” Tomás Gimeno. In one was Olivia’s body; the second was empty, as confirmed by sources of the investigation, so the area is still being searched in search of Anna.

Tomás Gimeno has been missing since April 27, 2021. They are looking for him for the murder of Olivia and the disappearance of Anna, his daughters.

Tomás Gimeno has been missing since April 27, 2021. They are looking for him for the murder of Olivia and the disappearance of Anna, his daughters.

The Civil Guard continues with the maritime search in order to locate the body of little Anna, that presumably is at the bottom of the sea and that it could have come out of the empty bag, and also that of his father, Tomás Gimeno. This Friday morning the Police cordoned off access to the port of Tenerife from where the search operations are carried out.

Olivia’s body is already in the Forensic Anatomical Institute, where the autopsy which will determine the causes of his death.

Olivia, first from left, was found dead at sea. Now they are still looking for her sister Anna and her father. Tomás Gimeno, murderer of both.

Olivia, first from left, was found dead at sea. Now they are still looking for her sister Anna and her father. Tomás Gimeno, murderer of both.

The two bags match With which Tomás Gimeno boarded his ship ‘Esquilón’ the night of the disappearance, according to sources close to him. Sources of the investigation suspect that Gimeno could use a lead belt weighing eight kilos and that The boat was not found to ballast to the bottom.

The painful finding had already been communicated yesterday to the mother of the girls, Beatriz Zimmermann, who continued to hope for a happy ending, despite the fact that Gimeno’s diving oxygen bottle and a cover, also owned by him, were found on Monday.

After their disappearance, the girls were intensely wanted all over the world. Now the Spanish navy is looking for the bodies of Anna and Tomás Gimeno, their father and murderer.

After their disappearance, the girls were intensely wanted all over the world. Now the Spanish navy is looking for the bodies of Anna and Tomás Gimeno, their father and murderer.

Beatriz Zimmerman always kept the hope of finding the little ones alive and defended the hypothesis that Tomás Gimeno had escaped with the small ones to some Latin American country. He only collapsed after learning of the discovery of the oxygen bottle and the cover, anticipating this tragic end.

This Friday it was learned that the woman had made the decision to separate from Gimeno while she was pregnant with little Anna, reason that would have angered Gimeno to the point of beginning to plot the madness that unleashed more than a year later.

When these objects appeared, the search was focused there. Three days later they found the canvas bags with which the investigators began to confirm the tragedy. All the findings are in the same place where Gimeno connected his mobile phone for the last time on April 27, until at one point from one second to the next, the signal disappeared forever.

Beatriz Zimmermann, the mother of Anna and Olivia, the girls who disappeared in Tenerife.

Beatriz Zimmermann, the mother of Anna and Olivia, the girls who disappeared in Tenerife.

On the night of April 27, Gimeno set sail twice to sea. The security cameras of the Navy in Tenerife recorded it without the girls, but with six packages and bags that he had brought in his car. According to the newspaper ABC, he made three trips from the car to the boat, loaded, shortly before ten o’clock at night, and when he returned, after ten past eleven, there was no trace of those packages on the boat. It was verified by a patrol of the Maritime Service of the Civil Guard, who requisitioned him at the entrance of the port entrance because he had exceeded the curfew time and suspected of maneuvers by a drug trafficker. When they checked the boat, they found nothing.

They never knew that a few minutes before Beatriz Zimmermann had already gone to report the disappearance of the three.

Look also

Missing girls in Tenerife: the mother, torn apart after the discovery of two objects of Tomás Gimeno in the sea


source https://pledgetimes.com/2021/06/horror-in-tenerife-tomas-gimeno-could-have-committed-suicide-by-throwing-himself-into-the-sea-with-an-eight-kilo-lead-belt/