Nicolás del Caño resigned his seat in the Deputies and his replacement swore with chicanes against Alberto Fernández

Just at the start of the special session this Thursday in the Chamber of Deputies, the controversy over Alberto Fernández’s phrase on Mexicans, Brazilians and Argentines. Mónica Schlotthauer, who replaces Nicolás del Caño, swore by the original towns, who “built these lands before others arrived on the ships.”

In the first minutes of the session, Del Caño made the resignation of his bench official. It is part of the agreement that the PTS, the force that it represents, and the Socialist Left signed within the Left Front, from which Schlotthauer comes.

At the time of the swearing in, the brand new deputy did not forget the controversy for the phrase that Fernández pronounced on Wednesday, in a ceremony with the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez.

Mónica Schlotthauer, in front of Nicolás del Caño, in a march of the Left Front.

“The Mexicans came out of the Indians, the Brazilians came out of the jungle, but we Argentines came from the ships. They were ships that came from Europe and that’s how we built our society,” said the president, who wrongly attributed the words to Octavio Peace (actually, they belong to a song by his admired Litto Nebbia).

Thus, with fervent enthusiasm, Schlotthauer alluded to the controversy.

“I swear by the memory of 30 thousand disappeared, by my colleagues from the PST, and I swear to defend the rights of women, workers and indigenous peoples who built these lands before others arrived on the boats “Schlotthauer argued.

“For socialism and a workers’ government, I do swear,” concluded the deputy, linked to the railway sector.

The agenda of the special session does not include the superpowers law with which Alberto Fernández will try to shield his restrictions due to the coronavirus. Although it received an opinion in the morning, the ruling party did not gather the necessary votes to ensure its approval and, therefore, did not request its inclusion on the agenda.

In this way, this Thursday nine projects will be discussed, including the Fiscal Consensus signed by the Executive Power and representatives of the provinces in December and the extension of the “Cold Zone” law on December 4, 2020, as well as the extension to other regions of the benefits to the gas tariff.

In addition, before the start of the debate, Kirchner deputy Carlos Vivero apologized, through a formal letter, to Fernando Iglesias for having attacked him in the March 27 session.

The controversy continues

The mention of Schlotthauer is a new reaction in the long chain of criticism Alberto Fernández received, despite the fact that the president tried to apologize to the Spanish prime minister hours after the act.

“It was stated more than once that ‘Argentines descend from ships’. In the first half of the 20th century we received more than 5 million immigrants who lived with our native peoples. Our diversity is a pride,” wrote Fernández, the Wednesday on his Twitter account.

“I did not want to offend anyone, in any case, who has felt offended or invisible, since now my apologies,” added the president.

At that point, criticism abounded. And the tenor of the reactions did not diminish.

Jair Bolsonaro's tweet.

Jair Bolsonaro’s tweet.

In addition to the media in Brazil and Mexico, the controversy reached political leaders in that country. Ironically, Jair Bolsonaro uploaded a photograph of himself with an indigenous community, taken in recent days. He accompanied it with one word: “Jungle.”

From Mexico, former President Felipe Calderón said that “Alberto Fernández lacks a little bit of culture.” And on Twitter, with a quota of grace, he suggested that the phrase could be “from Cantinflas or Les Luthiers.”

Criticism also intensified in Argentina. Félix Díaz, a reference for the Qom, said that Alberto Fernández does not recognize himself as Argentine.

“We are concerned that a President says that and that he is unaware of the existence of the indigenous peoples of this country. Even in this era of modern times, that we continue to be isolated by the same State,” Díaz told Clarion.


