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Russia Russia is putting prisoners to build the Siberian Railway

Russia has been driven by the shortage of foreign labor caused by the corona epidemic for the use of prison labor.

Russian The prison says it is sending prisoners to build a new section of the Baikal-Amur railway in Siberia. The news was a breeze from the Soviet labor camp past, where Gulag prisoners were used as forced labor.

Russia has been driven by the shortage of foreign labor caused by the corona epidemic for the use of prison labor. However, according to the authorities, the old Gulag practices are not to be introduced. According to them, prison labor conditions are tolerable and they are paid for their work.

Already in april, the russian army said it was involved in the modernization of the baikal-amur line, but additional manpower was still needed after that. The new section under construction will be 340 kilometers long.

The original Baikal-Amur railway, designed in the 1930s and measuring more than 4,000 kilometers, is also partly built by prisoners. Tens of thousands of prisoners died in construction work.

In the past, the Russian Prison Administration has said it is considering using prison labor to clean up pollution in the Arctic.


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