CPI votes on Tuesday breach of confidentiality of Ricardo Barros and Luis Miranda

The CPI (Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry) of Covid of the Federal Senate will vote next Tuesday (6.Jul.2021) on the breaking of telephone, tax, banking and telematic confidentiality of deputies Ricardo Barros (PP-PR) and Luis Miranda (DEM-DF). The objective is to deepen investigations into suspected irregularities in the purchase of Covaxin.

The requests were presented by the senator Alessandro Vieira (Citizenship-SE) and are on the voting agenda of Covid’s CPI for next Tuesday (6.Jul.2021). The agenda was released this Sunday (4.Jul.2021). here is the whole of the agenda (129 KB).

Deputy Luis Miranda told Covid’s CPI that his brother, public servant Luis Ricardo Miranda, identified suspected irregularities in the contract for the purchase of the Indian vaccine Covaxin by the Ministry of Health. They went to President Jair Bolsonaro to report the suspicion. Miranda told the senators that the president would have mentioned the name of Ricardo Barros when he learned of the accusation.

In the request that asks for the breach of confidentiality, senator Alessandro Vieira states that it is necessary “to verify the authenticity of the statements of Deputy Luis Miranda, to verify if he received any illicit advantage during the period, to verify if he communicated with the mentioned characters”.

The senator also claims that Ricardo Barros’ breach of confidentiality is “unavoidable” on account of the denunciations made by Miranda and the relationship of the deputy with President Jair Bolsonaro and with the Ministry of Health’s employees. Barros is the government leader in the Chamber, he was Health Minister and would have indicated the server who gave the approval to the purchase of Covaxin. He denies it.

Ricardo Barros’ testimony, however, is not on this week’s agenda for Covid’s CPI. The deputy’s summons was approved and he asked to be heard “as soon as possible”. The expectation was that the testimony would take place on Thursday (8.Jul.2021), but the CPI will hear the former coordinator of the PNI (National Immunization Program), Francieli Fantinato, on that day.


Covid’s CPI will also vote on next Tuesday (6.Jul.2021) the breaking of telephone, tax, banking and telematic confidentiality of company representatives Davati Medical Supply -Luiz Paulo Dominguetti Pereira and Cristiano Alberto Hossri Carvalho.

Dominguetti said the former director of the Health Logistics Department of the Ministry of Health’s Executive Secretariat, Roberto Ferreira Dias, asked for a $1 per dose bribe to purchase 400 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine from Davati. He testified to Covid’s CPI on Thursday (July 1, 2021), but left the senators with doubts about the scheme.

Cristiano Alberto Hossri Carvalho, on the other hand, would be the main link between Davati Medical Supply and the Ministry of Health. He can also be called to provide clarifications by Covid’s CPI on Tuesday (6.Jul.2021).


Another call that can be voted on on Tuesday (6.Jul.2021) by the CPI of Covid is the CEO of Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency), Antonio Barra Torres. Barras Torres’ testimony is requested by the commission’s vice president, the senator Randolfe Rodrigues (Net-AP).

In the application, Randolfe claims that Barras Torres would have complained to the Ministry of Health that he was being approached directly by the company Necessidade, a representative of the Indian laboratory Bharat Biotech in Brazil, to enable the approval of the Covaxin vaccine. For the senator, “the demonstration is yet another element that reinforces suspicions of irregularities in the import of the vaccine”.

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source https://pledgetimes.com/cpi-votes-on-tuesday-breach-of-confidentiality-of-ricardo-barros-and-luis-miranda/