Add five thousand petition signatures to free Udlap

Jaime Zambrano

Puebla / 04.07.2021 14:53:17

The petition to release the facilities of the University of the Americas Puebla (Udlap) by elements of the Secretariat of Public Security and the Auxiliary Police before the review carried out by the so-called new board appointed by the Board for the Care of Private Assistance Institutions of the State of Puebla, a decentralized body of the state government, adds up to almost five thousand signatures of members of the university community.

The demand called “Free the UDLAP from Political and Family Conflicts”, registered until the afternoon of this Sunday, almost five thousand signatures with which the use of firearms is rejected in the actions that began on June 29.

“The seizure of the facilities and the eviction with the unnecessary use of force with high-caliber weapons by the State Police (Auxiliary) show that the way of acting in this matter is not following the rule of law that must protect and defend to citizens and legal entities, especially when it comes to Educational Institutions such as Udlap, from which professionals committed to Mexico have graduated ”, the document highlights.

The Udlap community highlights that they will not allow constitutional guarantees to be trampled on and the rule of law is violated when there is a current protection by the patronage of the Jenkins Foundation.

“And if there is a valid legal process, why use the military in that way? They are students, academics, the University Community, not criminals! ”, The document adds.

In the same way, students and graduates of a university located in San Andrés Cholula lThey called for the establishment of channels of dialogue so that problems are resolved in the board of trustees, without affecting students, teachers and workers.

“The political and family conflicts that at this moment affect Udlap and its entire community: student, academic, employees and graduates, must be resolved through the means that apply in terms of law and not through measures that affect third parties, the entire community. Udlap community, in tacit damage and a violation of individual and constitutional guarantees. Settle your differences in court, not with students! ”, Highlights the position.

In the final part of the document, the members of the Udlap community call for dialogue to be maintained and peace to prevail without the use of public force in the institution of higher education.

“Ignoring this request and that of the entire Udlap community would be a total flagrancy and a sign that, in Mexico, the Law, dialogue and peace do not prevail, but the use of force,” the document concludes. .

On the morning of Tuesday, June 29, elements of the Public Security Secretariat of the State of Puebla carried out an operation at the facilities of the University of the Americas Puebla (Udlap) during the morning of Tuesday, June 29.

At the time, the rector of Udlap, Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista, explained that armed people took the facilities and the bank accounts of the institution were frozen with the aim of imposing a supposed new patronage endorsed by the Board for the care of the Private Assistance Institutions of the State of Puebla, a decentralized body of the government of the state of Puebla.


