Leonardo Coutinho | The rewriting of history and the opportunists’ version

Statue of Bandeirante Borba Gato is set on fire in São Paulo| Photograph:

Guilherme Boulos, from PSOL, approved the attack on a monument in São Paulo and even promoted a campaign to free the rioters who focused on the statue of Manuel de Borba Gato. For him, the statue erected in 1962 in honor of the pioneer should be replaced by that of Zumbi dos Palmares – who deserves all the honors for having fought against slavery.

Boulos is just one example chosen among many others that could illustrate the issue that will be dealt with here. The urge to rewrite history under the allegation of a supposed version of the losers causes side effects ranging from hallucinations, blindness and even the deepest ignorance.

Borba Gato was a Girl Guide. So he wasn’t a Boy Scout breaking new ground. But Borba Gato was never a slave trader or Indian hunter as Boulos’ beloved arsonists believe. The world he lived in was hostile. Killing to not die was almost a constant. Even today, exactly today, indigenists from Funai’s isolated Indians department know what the risk of crossing the territories of those Brazilians who opted for non-contact represents the risk. It is not a question of relativizing violence, but it is absolutely dishonest to measure it without considering the historical context.

The “brave Indians”, as they were called and still are in remote areas of Brazil’s western border, are not used to forgiving. They kill. Times have changed and today they have the right and the protection of the State to live as they see fit, in a way very similar to that pre-Cabral.

Boulos talks about erecting a statue in honor of Zumbi. I don’t know if Boulos has any idea, but the owner of Quilombo de Palmares had black slaves like him. Had, because it was normal to have. Back in Africa, it was the rule to enslave losing rivals. It was the blacks who sold in blacks to what was one of the most abject companies of humanity, which was slavery.

Zombie has its historical role, virtues and defects. It deserves recognition, study and memory. Just memory, like Borba Gato. Why not? He killed the crown tax collector, fought in the Emboabas war against crown abuses and for nativist positions, and when he fell from grace he found protection among the Indians.

In the last century, when rubber was the vegetable gold of the Amazon, rubber tappers “cleaned” the forest promoting an authentic stampede of the Indians, who were touched under bullets. Phenomenon that earned the emblematic name of runs. Anyone who takes the time to study the region’s recent history knows that runs they didn’t get stuck in the past. There are reports of rubber tappers contemporaneous with Chico Mendes who also used gunpowder to protect their rubber plantations or to expand their areas for exploration, not only expelling Indians but also killing some or many. But few people accept to consider these chapters of our history.

When the Black Lives Matter threatened to set fire to America as if the country were one big Borba Gato, some statues were thrown to the ground and others were shamefully vilified. In California, some idiots painted a bust of Miguel de Cervantes as if he had been a slave-slaving “bastard”. The protesters, as superficial as the São Paulo arsonists, had no idea that the author of “Don Quixote” not only never had slaves, but was one for many years.

The war to build customized versions of a world to your own taste no longer respects what happened yesterday. the bravado of lawfare it gained momentum and came to be used as a pretext by corrupt people caught in public coffers to claim to be victims of State apparatus. Lula, in Brazil; Cristina Kirchner, in Argentina; and Evo Morales, in Bolivia, embarked on this same strategy.

In the United States, Democratic congressmen are the gateway for PT lobbyists and the like to take action. Lula and Morales went to knock on the door of these parliamentarians to sell bogus theses. Not satisfied with the destruction of the Lava-Jato, Lula and his acolytes abuse the good faith of American politicians to sell smoke. They say it was the CIA that originated the Lava Jato with information illegally collected by the NSA.

There are those who believe in the fib.

Morales imploded Bolivia’s fragile democracy, vilified the Constitution he commissioned and rigged the 2019 elections. As punishment, he faced a popular rebellion and ended up fleeing the country. But Morales didn’t give up. Its supporters commissioned “academic studies” to deny the fraud and counter the opinions of the OAS and international observers. His group benefited from the chaos created by the pandemic and the widespread robbery of his successors to pave the way for the return of his party, the MAS, in an election held last year.

Back in the game, Morales wants heads. Like Lula, he recruited his gang to deceive a dozen Democrats who ate the version that what happened in Bolivia was a coup with the support of the United States. An immeasurable idiocy that only those who have been on the Moon for the past four years can believe.

The Americans were unable to articulate themselves to resolve their main agenda in Latin America, Venezuela, which makes us think that Washington would get involved in a coup in Bolivia. Donald Trump, who was the president when Evo Morales was removed from power by the very people who got tired of his excesses, was wanting to make his “America great again”. Bolivia, with all due respect, did not exist.

But it does not matter; from Borba Gato to Bolivia, the facts are mere inconveniences. What matters and is really worth is the belief. History is being rewritten by corrupters, drug dealers, rioters and thieves while some unwary with their torches think they are protagonists of this rewrite. This is not the losers’ version. But from the opportunists’ version.

source https://pledgetimes.com/leonardo-coutinho-the-rewriting-of-history-and-the-opportunists-version/