The expert spoke about an unreliable way of saving money

One of the biggest mistakes young investors can make against the backdrop of current economic trends is investing a significant part of their money in high-risk investment instruments, relying on their luck or special investment flair. Fyodor Sidorov, the founder of the School of Practical Investing, spoke about this on Monday, July 4.

Protection of finance from such dangerous phenomena as the devaluation of the ruble or the collapse of stock markets can only be ensured by a balanced and diversified investment portfolio in terms of risk indicators.

“To form a portfolio with good diversification, different assets should work in it by the level of risk, currencies and countries. For example, shares of Russian companies, US companies, bonds, exchange-traded funds – ETFs, BPIFs, gold and other foreign exchange investments “, – said the economic expert in his commentary to the agency”Prime“.

Sidorov also said that recently a new trend has formed in investor circles, namely, replenishment of their investment portfolio with cryptocurrencies. However, he noted that such investments are considered the most risky assets due to their high volatility. In addition, the cost of cryptocurrencies is very dependent on the statements and actions of various specialized bodies of developed countries. So, with the growing interest in the currency on the part of fraudsters, the governments of the countries will be forced to tighten control of the relevant area, which negatively affects the rate of cryptocurrencies and contributes to maintaining the risk of falling quotes in the future.

Earlier, on July 1, Artem Tuzov, director of the capital market department at Univer Capital, spoke about how to use the stock market in such a way to get rich. First of all, the expert advised to set aside 10-20% of your income.
