The interim solution must be included in the Rules of Procedure, which contain the rules of the House of Representatives. Those rules are then specifically about being able to enforce a debate about the formation of the cabinet. That would then only require the support of fifty members, the parties propose. The parties find this essential, especially now that this and the previous cabinet formation took a very long time.
Part of the opposition has long been asking for a debate with the informants about the progress of the formation. Chamber President Vera Bergkamp has also repeatedly urged the informants for an update on the negotiations between VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie about a coalition agreement.
Today informants Johan Remkes and Wouter Koolmees wrote in a note that the negotiations are now ‘advanced’. ‘After next week we will inform the House again.’
“This is very, very scanty,” Omtzigt responded to the letter. He is disappointed that the ‘negotiating majority’ always prevents a debate about the formation. A majority is required for a regular debate. “This actually erodes the controlling function of the minority. That is why we are submitting the proposal today to restore that,” he says.
Nowadays, a train passenger has more chance of information about the formation than a Member of Parliament
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