At the worst moment of the pandemic, the President only causes confusion

“These are very difficult moments. That are not solved by doing politics. Let’s try to be together. Let’s forget the differences for a while, ”Alberto Fernández said on Monday. He finished off the phrase with a convincing appearance with another one that he likes, with a modest poetic flight. “Let each one play his instrument, but let’s make the effort to play a symphony”. At his side was, in a shared event, the mayor of Tres de Febrero, Diego Valenzuela, who belongs to Together for Change.

Those words coincided with the efforts to lower the tension between the Government and the head of the City, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta. In a moment hypercritical of the second wave of the coronavirus. When new restrictions must be decided in the Metropolitan Area with a record: the vaccination campaign is definitely under threat because Moscow still does not give answers and Beijing reported that after the next shipment of a million doses it will open a parenthesis. It is not known for sure how long. The Chinese administration arranged a mass vaccination plan to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party.

That political directive line of the President lasted, exactly, twenty-four hours. This Tuesday, in Avellaneda, in the act of handing over the houses in the La Saladita neighborhood, he pointed out against María Eugenia Vidal and Juntos por el Cambio. He maintained that those houses were half finished “Because of hatred” of opponents. He also said that in the four years of macrismo in Buenos Aires, “No schools were opened. They closed”. This time he was sided by the governor, Axel Kicillof, and the Minister of Social Development and Habitat (also a former district mayor), Jorge Ferraresi.

Such a contrast between the two messages raises multiple questions. Nothing helps to appease a political and social climate rarefied by the looming COVID storm. Does Alberto adjust his words to the occasional setting? When he did not appear subject to the supervision of the Buenos Aires governor, he seemed to dress as a conciliator. When he had it in front of him, he hardened to a pole, forgetting the diagnosis of the former president of Uruguay, José Mujica, who spoke of political hatred in Argentina as the worst disease. That diagnosis had been endorsed by Alberto in a moment of introspection that he had after the tragic death of the former Minister of Transport, Mario Meoni.

A worrying conclusion is that the President no longer seems conditioned only by the natural leadership that, even from silence and virtual secrecy, Cristina Fernández exercises. Kicillof and the Buenos Aires territorial power of La Cámpora also emerge. Something else: the distance between the president and the Peronist mayors, who often have difficulties in daily relationships with the governor, would widen.

Daniel Gollán and Nicolás Kreplak, the strong men of Salud en Provincia and usual slopes of Kicillof. Photo: Mauricio Nievas

Kicillof is not alone. The pressure on the national government is also triggered by his health team, Minister Daniel Gollan and his deputy, Nicolás Kreplak. Also by Sergio Berni. The Security Minister made a revelation in the last hours. He said that the negotiations with Moscow, by Sputnik V, were the property of the governor. Not from the vice president. He even recounted an alleged gesture of solidarity by the governor that revealed the degree of defenselessness of the Government: “The agreement was for Buenos Aires. But in the face of the serious situation, Kicillof decided to open the offer to the Casa Rosada “, he described. Surprising indeed.

The constant meandering presidential hides the doubt about whether it is a strategy to cause confusion in Together for Change. Or if it shows, in reality, the lack of strategy. We would be facing an improvisation that would not have to do only with the public word. Also with action and management.

Argentina has been overcoming the pandemic for thirteen months and, except from the field of medicine and science, seems to have learned very little. It can be seen in the politics and decision-making of power. The world goes through, in uncoupled times, the same reality. But nations that had a really bad time – the main ones in Europe – They knew how to elaborate parameters that allow the confinement to be combined to protect health with openings that, in addition to the same sense, aim to not excessively damage the economy. Even with more complex decision-making systems than in our country.

Someday it would be necessary to inquire into the unconscious of Kirchnerism to discover why Germany constitutes a mirror in which it insistently tries to reflect itself. Especially in bad situations. When the discussion about the presence of classes or the closure of schools was raised, several officials alluded to Merkel’s resolutions. The German government keeps a count of the number of infections in relation to the population of each region. Act accordingly. To adopt drastic measures Merkel must resort to the authorization of Parliament. It does not have the resource of DNUs that are issued in abundance from the offices of the President.

The mirror of the region

Vaccination campaigns also show stark differences. Europe has had supply difficulties. It even limited the application of that of AstraZeneca, a British-Swedish laboratory. While correcting the deficit, plan for the future. The European Union is closing the world’s largest vaccine purchase from Pfizer: 1,800 million doses contemplated, basically, for 2022.

The Argentine government, in the face of its precariousness, let its willingness to negotiate with the US laboratory transcend in the last hours. Carla Vizzotti, the Minister of Health, took a first step. Last year there was a disagreement with Pfizer that was never explained. Despite the fact that our country was the testing center for the most important product in the region. At the same time, the ambassador in Washington, Jorge Argüello, is making representations to the White House to capture some leftover – presumably from the Oxford vaccine – within the accumulation made by the US that went from epidemiological chaos during the era of Donald Trump to be the country, under the tutelage of Democrat Joe Biden, with the highest volume of immunization in the world after Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

Argentina has lagged behind Chile and Uruguay in the region. Neighbors did not abandon planning even in critical moments of the pandemic, which persists. Brazil was also a disaster with the denialist leadership of Jair Bolsonaro. But it now vaccinates about a million people a day. It has three laboratories with State participation dedicated to the production of vaccines. A detail that could unleash the shame of Kirchner progressivism.

#worst #moment #pandemic #President #confusion
