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Board of Directors The continuation of the government is likely to be decided today – HS information: Marin has come somewhat against the center in a new compromise proposal

Peat may eventually become the decision-maker of the government’s destiny.

Government continues today at 12 noon its negotiations on the use of money for the coming years at the Estates House in a crisis mood.

According to HS, the parties have positioned themselves in such a way that today a solution must emerge in one direction or another.

The downtown parliamentary group has been meeting since Tuesday at 8 p.m. The SDP group will meet at 11 a.m.

HS data according to the prime minister Sanna Marin (sd) worked on a new compromise proposal late on Monday, but the changes to it are quite small compared to the original demands of the centrists.

According to HS data, in Marini’s latest proposal, the overrun of the 2023 state expenditure ceiling has decreased somewhat from previous proposals, but by no more than one hundred million euros.

In a presentation made by Marin on Sunday, the overrun in 2023 was 550 million euros, now it is about 500 million euros. However, it is EUR 350 million less than in Marini’s first compromise proposal.

The dispute over the 2023 overrun is still between the center and the left parties at EUR 200-300 million.

The biggest the change is known to be that the proposal no longer includes tax increases of EUR 300 million, but the role of taxes in the solution has diminished. This may help the center to accept the compromise or at least continue the negotiations further.

It is also known that the proposal does not contain, at least not significantly, more concrete employment decisions on which the Ministry of Finance could calculate the employment effects, while at the same time strengthening the state’s finances.

Its instead, with regard to support for peat producers, the proposal has moved forward, but it still does not have the tax cut for peat that the center needs.

This is still being twisted. Peat may eventually become the decision-maker of the government’s fate if an agreement is reached on economic matters.

The center wants at least some kind of tax base. The Greens are at the forefront but also the Left Alliance is feverishly opposed to the tax cut.

The center may play the game so that the solution to keeping the board upright is ultimately scrolled to the greens.

Read more: What would happen if the government collapsed?

Peat taxation is a matter of principle for the Greens, as it would show that the Greens will give up on this issue in the only climate decision. Bigger climate decisions are scheduled for the fall.

This is a partial reversal of the government’s previous tax increase, but still a small issue for climate policy as a whole.

The use of peat is declining significantly faster than the government has planned, and this will continue even if the tax is reduced.

Government negotiations were suspended on a fruitless Monday night. Tuesday is the seventh day of the so-called framework dispute negotiations, originally intended to be two days.

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