Trotta’s harsh criticism of the City’s decision to return to the classroom on May 31

The three days without classes proposed by the Buenos Aires government were not even met and A new conflict between Nation and City is already anticipated around schools. The question now is what will happen in the capital’s classrooms from Monday 31st, when the term of the current hard confinement expires.

On Thursday, the Larreta administration announced that the district’s schools They will not give face-to-face or virtual classes this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and that those days will be recovered in December. It is the only jurisdiction that went by the way of changing the school calendar. The rest chose to teach at a distance. Since then, the Minister of National Education Nicolás Trotta has been adding statements with very harsh criticism to that extent.

As Soledad Acuña, Buenos Aires Minister of Education, explained to Clarion the decision to discontinue classes in the district was due to prioritize presence. “We check that results in better learning and since the measure is only for three days, the calendar could be adjusted. We prefer to buy time than face-to-face and not spend those days in virtuality. We think that what has to be learned has to be the same for everyone and it is not the same if it becomes virtual and some can do more than others, ”Acuña told this newspaper.

He also stated that it had been agreed with the Nation that from the 31st everything goes back to how it was before, namely, with schools open in the district. “The current DNU is for a short period. With start and end date“, He said.

Trotta called the decision “Political speculation”. Said it is “An irresponsibility” affirm that the face-to-face classes will return on the 31st. “It is not a matter of desire, because on that date the presence will return in those places whose epidemiological situation is low or medium and an administered presence in those with high risk,” he said.

In the background is the same discussion that Nation and City have been having since 2021 and which ended up in the Supreme Court of Justice. For Nation, everything must be guided by the epidemiological traffic light that govern the DNUs of the restrictions that are in place. There the City appears within the districts in “epidemiological alert” and then they have to close the schools and move on to distance education.

From the City, on the other hand, they affirm that jurisdictions have autonomy to define their educational decisions. On the other hand, they exhibit various statistics that show that schools do not infect. The last is a cut to May 19, in which it is seen that the number of people who went to schools since February 17 and were infected was three times less than those who did not go to schools. Of those who were infected, 89% said they were infected outside of school. The Court agreed with the City’s position.

Trotta continues to insist that all districts with a red light have to close the doors to presence until that color changes. To make his voice heard more, the minister met this Saturday with his peers from the 24 jurisdictions in the Federal Council of Education.

“23 jurisdictions hold distance classes in the departments that had to suspend attendance,” was the title of the statement that came out of the Palace on Pizzurno Street, with a clear criticism of the City. “The City is the only jurisdiction that has made the decision to suspend classes without guarantee distance education instances and suspend the delivery of food modules”They wrote.

“We did not suspend the school basket, we postponed it for three days, because logically if you take a measure so that there is no circulation in the street, taking into account that 98% of the students who go to the state school have some type of food grant, many were going to mobilize. They don’t want the boys to have classes at school, but they do people mobilize and crowd at the door to look for the basket ”, they said from the City.

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A teaching union challenges Larreta: calls for virtual classes despite the suspension

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